If you've been following my blog for a while, you know that this actually ins't the first time I'm move back with my parents. I know, almost 32 and moved in a few times with my folks. The first time I did was during Graduate school because I didn't want to live on campus and it was a pretty easy commute. Zach and I then became engaged a year before I graduated and we moved in with my folks to save money to purchase our first home. Now, a third time after living in Atlanta for three years and a dream of building a home for the next 6 months, we decided that to save money and pay off bills, we'd move in with my folks yet again.
Since I've lived with a few times I wanted to share a few tips if you're feeling unsure to move in with your parents or if you currently live with them and need a bit of advice.
1. Have A Good Relationship With Your Parents- If you're even thinking about moving back in with your folks, make sure that you at least have a good relationship wth them. What are your parent's schedule like? For me, my Mom still works while my Dad is retired. He's extremely helpful when I have some work to get done or I need to run a few errands and am able to do by myself. We also have a calendar ( I have a separate planner too ) where we write everything down to share for meetings and reminders.
2. Respect and Give Personal Space - Despite it being my parents home, I know they have their own private spaces within the home and we also have ours. As someone who not only lives with my folks right now, I can't overemphasize the importance of respecting those private spaces. Make it clear to your parents and your room that it's YOURS and that their room is theirs. This also creates physical place that you can retreat to when you need some time off from family. For us, we have the basement as our little families spot to relax, have our 'me time' and play and sleep for the kids. They can run around and do their own thing with their teeth.
3. Little Gestures Make A Big Difference - As often as I can, I volunteer to help when needed. Despite it being my childhood home, I want to make sure that my kids see us treating it as a home by cleaning, offering to grocery shop and cook dinner a few nights a week and help when needed. Those simple gestures are huge to you and your parents. Learn to keep doing it as often as you can. ( I love our ROOMBIA and it helps save everyone time vacuuming - THIS is on sale)
4. Give Friendly Reminders You're An Adult - Parent's make it their job to be, well, parents. They helped raise you and so it can be difficult to keep distinguishing that now that you're an adult or like myself, a parent too. I remind my parents that it's ok for me to stay out late or that my kids need to go to bed at a certain time. They are there to help you, not parent.
5. Live With Less - Moving from a 3,000 square foot home to a 1500 square foot basement living area has really helped us figure out what we need and what we don't need. Make sure to avoid trashing your parent's space by leaving all your things scattered around. Moving back home means you're going to have to share the space so sometimes that could even mean the bathroom, living room and kitchen. Be considerate about your space and learn to live with not so many things. I've been downsizing a lot just within my wardrobe because our closet is super small. It's truly opened my eyes to what I need and what I don't need like this hanging rack or this portable closet.
Have you ever moved in with your parents?What advice would you give?