
5 Things Your Toddler Expects From You

Posted on the 12 July 2022 by Deepti @deepti48

As parents we have so many expectations from our kids, But have you ever thought our kids as young as a toddler could have some expectations from us?! Yes indeed. Let's find out what toddlers want their parents to do frequently and mind you they are serious about it. Read this carefully, especially for new parents, and embrace the journey of delightful parenting with a smile.

parenting tips for toddlers

Dealing with toddlers- Best Parenting tips for new parents!

Parenting Tips- 5 Things Your Toddler Expects From You

Love, love, and love
Sounds obvious huh? Still, we as parents forget to remind our darling that we love him/ her so much. Whether it is your phone call, business meeting, grocery time, cooking time, laundry, or anything else, it takes a few seconds to look into his eyes and say," I love you, dear". This is one of the best parenting tips for new parents.
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Lots of hugs and kisses
5 Things Your Toddler Expects From You

 A hug and gentle kiss can calm down a crying child. No matter how small may be the cause of her crying or no matter whatever mistake he committed with his little hands, in the end, it's your hug and kisses that he expects from you. 

This is the only way to make him learn from his mistakes. Mind it, he does not understand your anger, stress, or fears. He understands your soft touch and gentle voice.
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Your toddler has learned to stack blocks and he looks up to you for your attention and appreciation. Your one compliment, "well done my child" fills him with happiness and encouragement. Your appreciation will make him cross several milestones and even after years, he will remember your words of encouragement.
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Your time

positive parenting tips for toddlers

Often we parents meet out the essential duties like changing nappies, feeding the kid, dropping at the playschool, etc, etc., but are not able to find time to spend quality time. Do spend some fun time with kids, simply join them in whatever they do, run around, make noises or jump.
Play board games or read out special age-appropriate books with them. This time won't come back again, you know.
Laugh out louder
Smile more and laugh louder when you are with your toddler. Show her your positive and bright side so that she imbibes the same in her. This is the easiest way to make kids happy and confident.
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In addition to the above, new parents need to follow these do's and don'ts to sail through this phase of toddlers.

Positive Parenting Tips For New Parents

Parenting can feel overwhelming at times. And there are no hard-fast rules for raising your munchkins right because every child is different. However, the following parenting tips for toddlers from in-the-know parents can help you make the journey through parenthood a little more fun!

Don’t be Fussy About Meals


Tips for new parents

Keep toddler meal time happy and calm.

Remember, toddlers are expected to have odd food habits. So, when your kid throws a tantrum about eating. Don’t rush or panic. Instead, offer a variety of meals and let them eat what they want whenever they want.

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Instill the Habit of an Early Bedtime

Sleep is as essential to your kids as it is to you to recharge your batteries. An early bedtime routine goes a long way and helps you and your child get the well-rested time you need to get started for the next day.


Let Your Kids Hear No for an Answer

It is not advisable for new parents to give in to all the requests that their kids make. Occasionally, it is better to turn down the desideratum that is not in the best interest of your child.

5 Things Your Toddler Expects From You

Helping Babies and Toddlers Learn, Second Edition

Create Small Traditions

Small traditions help you connect with your child at the psychological and emotional levels. It can be as small as decorating their rooms with balloons and streamers before they wake up on their birthday. 

Or it can be a special handshake or a sweet gesture before bedtime. How about reading to your child before they go to sleep every night? It keeps you connected with your kids and lets them know you care.

Go Slow with Transitions

Remember, your kids will grow eventually, and their needs will change. So, you will be making transitions over time from crib to bed or walker to tricycle. 

But, the changes do not have to be overwhelming for your kids. Give them time to adjust and let them accept the sensory experience before you rush the transitions for them.

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