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5 Things You Really, Truly Must Do in Tokyo

By Eemusings @eemusings
5 things you really, truly must do in Tokyo

Although we briefly visited Kyoto - and swung through Osaka for lunch - most of our week in Japan was spent in the big smoke of Tokyo. Spoiler: I LOVE it. (I feel this way about most global cities, to be fair.) Here are a few things that stood out.

Stay in a ryokan

5 things you really, truly must do in Tokyo

The whole guesthouse experience is just so unique, from the sliding doors to the tatami mats and the baths. It was an incredible introduction to Japan. Also: Sleeping on the floor is amazingly comfortable.

Order food via a ramen machine

5 things you really, truly must do in Tokyo

Need I say more?! Didn't think so.

Go shopping

5 things you really, truly must do in Tokyo

Everything is SO cheap compared to home. I'm madly in love with the merino cardigans I got at Uniqlo for practically nothing.

Also, as an Asian person, shopping in an Asian country makes so much difference, be it bras for the flat-chested or glasses for the flat-faced (you know how the plastic frames that are hot right now have only tiny inbuilt nubs designed to perch on high nose bridges, rather than traditional nose pads?! I found some with extra-big ridges).

Visit a park

5 things you really, truly must do in Tokyo

Every city needs green spaces, and Tokyo does them well. Ueno Park brought to mind San Diego's Balboa Park, crammed with attractions (a highlight were the turtles in a pond!) and at Meiji Shrine, we saw an elaborately dressed bride getting wedding photos taken.

See a sumo match

5 things you really, truly must do in Tokyo

As it turns out, we were in town for the very start of the autumn sumo tournament. I wasn't sold on the idea of shelling out for sumo tickets (and didn't want to gamble on queuing up on the morning of the match) but it turned out to be the highlight of our trip. The bouts are short so the pace doesn't flag, the atmosphere surprisingly lively and the rituals fascinating. And we got to see one match that was clearly a bit of an upset! We also saw some of the wrestlers before and after, as people lined the pavement outside like a red carpet to watch them come and go. What a way to end our last full day.

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