Life Coach Magazine

5 Things You Could Possibly Do Today

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

1. Consciously drink two big glasses of water before every meal. Make sure that water is the very first drink you have when you wake up.
2. Have a look and subscribe to the blog This is an excellent and inspirational blog site that can be life changing.
3. Choose a room in your house to completely redecorate. Make it clean and simplistic. A haven of peace!
4. As it is sales time go to a big department store and have a look at how long the refund queues are. How many have you been in after the big day. How many presents did you get with the receipt included? Could this alter your thinking about Christmas next year.
5. Explore a city you have never been to before using google maps. You will be amazed how much you can learn. Search for landmarks such as famous sites and restaurants. Are they as you expected or are you slightly disappointed.

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