Life Coach Magazine

5 Things to Do Today

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

If you think that you will ever run out of things to do for a day, you had better think again because it’s not going to happen; well that is if you keep searching for things to do anyway. As for me I like to keep myself busy and in doing so I tend to stack-up my task and that being unavoidable I keep a neat list of my priorities so I know which ones I need to tackle first.

So here goes my “5 things to do today”;

  1. Meditation: Every morning, I make it a point to set aside a small portion of my time, like 10 minutes minimum, for meditation. It’s important to set aside a moment of peace to connect with your inner self, to give thanks and prepare yourself for whatever is ahead of you. Setting time for meditation clears the mind, brings about a semblance of peace and helps you to focus on your tasks.
  2. Make my bed: I know for a fact that so many people take this for granted but for me, it is a ritual that I do and have always done for the longest time. Why is this on my list? Because I want you all to understand that doing the simplest of task, such as making your bed trains the mind to be control, to not shun routine, and to enhance discipline which, take note on this you youngsters out there; is not a bad thing. Having the discipline to do your task every single day, no matter how boring it is, trains you to be a reliable adult in your later years. On a lighter note, I love to look at my bed after I tidy it up and I can’t wait to sleep on it at night. It is also very welcoming to go home at night and see your bed all made-up and ready for you to dive-in.
  3. Documentation: There is never enough time to do documentation. It doesn’t just happen in your office, it also happens at your own home. You need to check your email, file your receipts, go over your budgeting and expense list, payable and collectibles; the list actually never ends. And the task too is not supposed to be set aside or you’ll suffer major setback.
  4. Go to work: I have several jobs, yes you read that correctly. Because I love variety and I love being busy! Being busy means being productive. I want to live my life as used up as I can be. So I took on two jobs, jobs that I love to do; teaching and writing! Going to work doesn’t only mean getting a job; if you don’t hold a job go to work anyway. Find something productive to do. Don’t waste-away cooped-up somewhere doing “me” time.
  5. Take a break: I know I said I love being busy and I do shun idle time but I also know the value of rest. Taking power naps between your busy schedule helps to recharge you, it makes you more productive because you are able to focus more. Finding time to take a quick walk to catch a breath of fresh air does wonders to your concentration. Take time to smell the flowers in the garden or pet a dog, laugh with a child. These things will help you become a grateful worker and you will find your day ends more beautifully!

Author’s Bio

Ryan Rivera is the founder of calm clinic who aspires to influence the world to be more conscious and aware regarding mental health issues. He now dedicates his time writing articles and you may contact him through calm clinic for more information about this topic.

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