
5 Things to Do Immediately If You Lose Your Wedding Ring

Posted on the 31 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

5 things to do immediately if you lose your wedding ring

Losing a wedding ring is a phenomenon quite common as you will be surprised to know, 4 in 10 people have lost their wedding rings at least once in their life. It is definitely a situation of panic, which is why we are here with 5 urgent things that you need to do if you realize that your ring is lost.

  • Retrace your steps

After having made sure that you have indeed lost your ring, you need to retrace your steps. Think of when you last noticed the ring on your finger and note down all that you did and everywhere you went after that moment. This memory obviously will not be 100% reliable, since a wedding ring tends to become second skin and one seldom notices it. However, when you retrace your steps, literally take those steps again. Walk the same path, stop at the same places and search. Keep your focus on the ground. If you have a metal detector handy, then use it to find the ring.

  • Get experts or professionals involved

If you have a fair idea of where the ring might have fallen, such as down the drain, in the hotel garden or if the dog has swallowed it, you need to contact the necessary professionals. A plumber, the hotel staff or a vet in the cases mentioned. Make sure to get trusted personnel involved as it will make the search task quicker. 

  • Find your receipts and other documents

If you are positively unable to find the ring, then it is time to take some serious steps. Take out your receipts from the jeweller. Also, find other documents related to the ring such as insurance papers, quality certificate, etc. All these will be needed for your next step, which is to file an insurance claim. This rule applies even in case of lab created engagement rings

  • Claim your insurance

We sincerely hope that you insured your wedding ring. Most people do. So, in case of a loss, once you have all the papers ready and handy, you can go ahead and file an insurance claim. In some states, this can be done easily over the internet, while some require you to hire an agent who will sort out the matter for you. Your claim may be accepted or rejected, depending on the circumstances. But it will take a minimum of 10 to 15 days. With all the paperwork ready, the process should speed up. Your emotional attachment with the ring will upset you over its loss, but at least with money compensation, there will be little solace. 

  • Buy a temporary ring 

Until you get the insurance money, or even better, find your ring, you can opt for a temporary ring or any budget bespoke engagement rings. It is not advisable to buy another costly one within such short period of the loss. Until matters sort, for sentimental reasons, you can always wear some other ring that you already own, in the ring finger.

Losing a wedding ring is more of a sentimental loss than a financial one. In order to prevent it from happening, make sure your ring is well-fitting, especially when you are meeting a stranger; do not leave it on the washbasin or the side of your bath tub as it may easily slip into drainage. And always have your ring insured. In case of loss of theft, that insurance will come to the rescue.

The post 5 things to do immediately if you lose your wedding ring first appeared on NewsBamboo.

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