5 Things to do for your Business -
Setting up a business is no longer a problem but most new businesses fail within the first three years. New York Times recently highlighted two of the biggest reasons being – Over expansion (This means you are doing too well too early ) and Management of the Business ( This means how you are managing your staff, your finances, etc.) . Here are five ways to help you lower these risk of failure -
1. Get a Business Mentor – New and Small Business Mentoring Meet Up for London can help – http://www.meetup.com/BusinessMentoring/ . Professional Business Mentors support Businesses on a freemium bases. No sales pitches/ service plugging goes on just pure Professional Business Mentoring.
2. Do some background reading and watch some web casts – http://www.meetup.com/BusinessMentoring/messages/archive/ is a free knowledge base. This link gets updated on a weekly basis and has business solutions verified by a university and cover some of the latest trends in business like Guerrilla Marketing, What social Media is? and how to use SCRUM for your Business?
3. Attend a few events designed to help you with specific areas within your business – http://www.meetup.com/Business-Creativity/ . This Group uses Knowledge Management processes to help your business make effective use of your existing assets. In other words it supports your business to make use of Creativity and Innovation on a daily basis.
4. Networking – This will give you access to potential clients, potential competition and give an idea of what is going on. Meetup – www.meetup.com – has free events every week in your local area.
5. Make sure you are compliant with the legislation. Free Legal Advice sources – http://www.kent.gov.uk/business/our_services/legal_services/sources_of_free_legal_advice.aspx . This helps you understand how to do what you want legally.
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