Life Coach Magazine

5 Stop Smoking Aids That Will Help You Quit Forever

By Djridings @fivethingsnow
5 Stop Smoking Aids That Will Help You Quit Forever


Whether it's nicotine replacements or some form of therapy, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Here are 5 stop smoking aids you should try today.

Are you trying to quit smoking but don't know where to start? In 2016 in the U.S. alone, almost 38 million people were active smokers.

For some people, smoking is a way of reducing stress, feeling less lonely, and relieving tension. For others, it started as a bad habit that got out of control.

No matter the reasons, smoking can have long-lasting effects on your body and mind and may even cause cancer. Processed tobacco in store-bought cigarettes is full of toxins and additives to make the product more addictive, but hand-rolled cigarettes aren't much better either.

If you're ready to call it quits and start living an addiction-free life, read on to discover the 5 best stop smoking aids to help you eliminate this nasty habit.

1. Change Your Mindset

Smokers know best how well cigarettes go with a cup of coffee, which makes it even harder to give it up. This goes to show how incredibly powerful habits are. However, quitting smoking isn't impossible-in fact, many ex-smokers succeeded because they replaced smoking with a different, more useful activity.

Addictions of all kinds aren't just physical; they're emotional too. Nicotine patches or chewing gums may not be the best quit smoking aids because they don't treat the core issue.

For instance, if you smoke for stress relief, find an activity that'll get your mind off of smoking whenever you have a craving. It can be a walk outside, household chores, meditation, exercise, singing, playing with your pet, or taking a few deep breaths.

2. Avoid Triggers

If you live with other smokers while you're trying to quit, you'll be constantly surrounded by triggers. This will only make your journey harder, so consider removing yourself from a nicotine-loaded environment.

This may mean living somewhere else for a while, frequenting smoking-free places, switching to decaf coffee, and reducing your alcohol consumption. If your friends are smokers, ask them to support you by not smoking around you whenever possible.

Also, throw away every single cigarette in the house and remove everything that reminds you of smoking. Even if you're on quit smoking pills, write down every time you feel a craving and how you managed to go through it. A written record of your efforts will remind you of your willpower and help you feel like a winner.

3. Try Home Remedies

Sometimes, Mother Nature can be the best ally in helping you quit smoking. Though technically tobacco is a natural plant, it's the toxic additives that manufacturers add to cigarettes that keep you hooked. Some of them include ammonia, acetone, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, tar, naphthalene, methanol, and arsenic, to name a few.

If you want to try a medicine-free way to curb your cravings, try these home remedies to quit smoking:

  • Turmeric - add it fresh or powdered to a glass of milk, smoothie or breakfast bowl to help detox your mouth and lungs
  • Valerian - one cup of valerian tea per day can help you relax and reduce the cravings for a cigarette
  • St. John's Wort - is a natural antidepressant herb that can help inhibit the dopamine reuptake (a neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure)
  • Cayenne pepper - it helps to add a few pinches to a glass of water and drink up
  • Ginseng - add this adaptogen fresh or powdered to your food or smoothie to help you cope with stress better

Water is another powerful, yet natural way to curb your cigarette cravings. Drink a glass of water every time you want to smoke-this will trick your brain and refocus its attention to another activity. Water is also a natural detoxifier and can help flush the toxins accumulated from smoking.

Many smokers use ginger to help them with the nausea they experience during the quitting process. Ginger can soothe an upset stomach and serve as an immunity booster, which is much needed for the body during the quitting phase.

4. Try Stop Smoking Drugs

Many smokers resort to quit smoking drugs to help them reduce their cravings. However, it's important to understand that not all of them are good for you.

Start with nicotine-free medicine like Chantix that blocks the effects of nicotine on the brain, i.e. the feelings of pleasure and reward. When your brain no longer associates smoking with pleasure and relaxation, you won't reach for a cigarette to soothe you.

A quick Google search will give you more info on the best quit smoking pills, so you can do your own research. It's best to combine the pills with some form of counseling or psychotherapy to speed up the recovery process.

5. Consider Therapy

As we discussed earlier, smoking isn't always a bad habit-it can be an addiction with serious consequences. Most addictions are deeply rooted in your subconscious mind and serve a coping mechanism for life's problems.

This is why it's important to understand the main reason for your addiction before you try to quit. Therapy and counseling can help you discover your triggers and teach you new ways to cope with stress and negative emotions.

Other forms of therapy and self-help include:

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Hypnosis and self-hypnosis
  • Journaling
  • Art therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • Breathing techniques

During the quitting period, you'll experience feelings of isolation, loneliness, and agitation. Ask your friends and family to support you in this time by helping you stay on track with your goals, removing all temptations from your environment, and being a listening ear when you feel sad.

If you have a loved one who wants to quit smoking and you want to help them, read this guide to learn about the best approach.

Now You Know Which Stop Smoking Aids to Use

Quitting smoking is among the hardest, most challenging things you'll ever do. Many smokers manage to stop for a while only to start again and continue the vicious cycle. But this doesn't mean you can't stop smoking completely.

It takes dedication, inner work, and strong willpower, and if you're truly determined, these stop smoking aids will help you succeed on your journey to a healthier, nicotine-free life.

Have any questions or comments? Contact us today!

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