How to tell if Someone is Spying on your Phone
In this era of technology, smartphones are used to do almost everything. For example, browsing websites, chatting with friends on social media, watching YouTube videos, making assignments, paying utility bills or online shopping, etc. So, it shouldn't be a surprise that spy apps have also become all too common.
Spy apps are software you can install on a target device and monitor every activity performed on that device. You can monitor calls, text messages, photos, videos, social media accounts, emails, web browser history, as well as the GPS location of that device.

You must be wondering, why would someone use such an unethical app? Well, a lot of people do and for legitimate reasons. The best reason is that parents can use spy apps to monitor the activity of their underage children to keep them from getting in trouble. Another answer could be that employers use it to ensure their employees are not slacking off at work. But most commonly, spouses use it to verify if their partner is cheating on them.
Regardless of the reason, it can be unpleasant to know that you are on the receiving end of this matter. No one likes to have their privacy invaded and the contents of their phone spied on. That's why, if you suspect that someone is spying on your phone, here are five signs that indicate your suspicious are true.
Your Phone Battery drains too quickly
Unless you have a very old phone that is no longer operating well, your phone battery should be large. It should at least be what it mentions on the packaging box of the phone. However, if your phone battery life is suddenly deceasing at a very quick pace, it is a sign that a spy app is running in the background. The reason is that soy apps are constantly transferring your data to the server which uses up a lot of battery.
You hear strange sounds during calls
One of the surest indication of having a spy app on your phone is hearing strange sounds during phone calls. Spy apps can not only provide your detailed call log to the host, but they can also let the host listen in to your phone conversation. If you often hear static noises or background noises that don't belong to your surrounding, it's possible that someone is spying on you.
Your phone heats up often
When your phone battery is used up too quickly, it also increases the temperature of your phone. A slight increase in temperature is normal, however if your phone experiences a gradual heat up over a short period of time, it is a sign that a spy app is running on your phone. Keep in mind that this should only be a concern if you're sure that your phone has no other problem whatsoever.
It takes longer to shut down completely
If you want to check whether or not there is a spy app on your phone, perform this simple test. Shut your phone down immediately after a call. See how long it takes to completely shut down. If it takes a long time, say more that 5 minutes, it is an indication that there is, in fact, a spy app on your phone. The reason is that the spy app takes time to sent the call data to the server. Your phone will only shut down once this data is fully transferred.
Cellular Data Usage is very High
One of the easiest and quickest way to tell if a spy app is running on your phone is to check your cellular data usage. Spy apps need a lot of cellular data to upload your information to the server. If you don't use internet on your phone regularly but still have a high data usage rate, it shows that there might be a spy app on your smartphone.
Once you've confirmed the presence of a spy software on your phone, you can then take measures against it to protect yourself.