The idea of travelling alone sounds daunting at first. Everyone wants a travelling companion they can share the experience with and who will be there with them for the more difficult aspects of travelling. Even so, there are unique advantages for travelling alone that make the experience worth it. Whether it's because you want to do only the things you want, or to make new friends, there are a lot of reasons for travelling alone at least once. Here are 5 reasons to travel alone from hotel experts Sanctuary Palms.
You Make the Decisions That are Good for You
Did you wake up one day during your two-week getaway in Italy feeling under the weather? Do you want to just stay in bed and get over that? Or perhaps you got some midnight cravings for a sweet treat. If you're traveling alone then there's no need to worry about stopping other people from having fun, or the give and take that you have when it comes to compromises. You're able to act on your whims, and it's very liberating. Being your only travel companion means you get to create the best possible experience for you alone by being as selfish as you want.
It's a Challenge
Travelling solo is a scary prospect. It makes you move outside of your comfort zone and challenges you to do new things without the safety net of having someone else with you who will do them alongside you. One of the reasons we travel is to be stretched out like this though. We do it to discover new things about ourselves and the world around us. If you're by yourself then you have to tackle problems by yourself, which is empowering to say the least. Travelling alone is something that will truly challenge your abilities.
You Make New Friends
If you're in a new place with friends, especially one where you don't understand the language, you're going to find yourself talking to just each other. This gives you a lot of stories to tell but it stops you from really getting to know the locals. Travelling by yourself forces you to become friends with the locals and other travellers. A solo traveller also looks more approachable, which will encourage others to approach you.
You Don't Need to Always Look your Best
If you're travelling in a group there's a pressure for everyone to look flawless. You feel like you need to dress up and put on some make up if your friends do, or they drag you out shopping and you don't want to be the odd one out. Traveling by yourself allows you to choose whether or not you want to dress up. If you want to look good for yourself then so be it, but no one will know if you wear the same t-shirt for a few days in a row.
It Increases your Confidence and Independence
There is one simple reason you should travel alone; it makes you more confident and independent. Some people are uncomfortable just eating breakfast by themselves. Travelling alone gives you incredible confidence. If travelling can make you a better and smarter person then travelling alone has an increased effect. It leaves you empowered and feeling like you could handle anything that happens to you.
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