Next time you are feeling under the weather reach for a natural antibiotic instead of a prescribed medication. The natural antibiotic will not only be more effective it will not destroy your digestive system or lower your natural immune system which is necessary to combat other infections and illnesses. Remember to listen to your body signals and don’t simply reach for a ‘pill’ to reduce your symptoms.
Here are some ‘natural antibiotics’ that may already be present in your kitchen or can be easily purchased in your local grocery store or health food store.
Garlic – we love this pungent herb and not only use it in the kitchen for our meals but also as a natural antibiotic. Studies have shown that the consumption of garlic may lower high blood pressure. It appears that garlic may ‘thin’ the blood for a short time, which will reduce the risk of clotting. Blood thinning is not always good, but with many individuals’ blood, due to diet and lifestyle factors, prone toward clotting, may lead to cardiovascular conditions such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis and stroke.
Echinacea – has been used to treat a wide variety of infections for hundreds of years. It comes in both capsule and oil forms, and used for colds, flu, cuts, scrapes and infections due to its ability to destroy the most dangerous forms of bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, which causes deadly MRSA .
Oregano Oil – there are many health benefits that this herbal oil provides. It contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium, and potassium. It also contains potent phytochemicals that provide potential health benefits. Oregano oil also helps to cleanse your digestive system by eliminating bad bacteria. Oregano should be a part of your daily diet, not only does it taste delicious but having an added incentive of boosting your immune system makes it even more delectable.
Local Raw Honey – raw, unprocessed honey contains a natural antibiotic that has been proven to be effective against infectious organisms. To handle sensitivities such as allergies it is best to be sure to look for local honey. Look for honey that is made by bees in your locality. Eating it regularly will help desensitize you to pollens in your environment.
Colloidal Silver – Colloidal silver consists of silver atoms suspended in distilled ion-less water. The particles of silver are small enough to penetrate on a cellular level and destroy pathogens of all types, including bacteria, fungal spores, parasites, and viruses. Use colloidal silver on burns to promote healing without scarring, ringworm to promote quicker healing, and can also be used for ear or eye infections without adverse reactions. Also small amounts taken daily as a tonic will give what some call a second immune system to guard against flues and colds.