Self Expression Magazine

5 Lazy Social Media Moves to Avoid Today

By Lisa @Lisapatb

The Lazy Social Media Moves

lazy social media


Likes vs. Comments

You know the easy way here, just like away a post or two here, post your stuff and you are done, right? Not really. Did you know comments are much more valuable than likes? But they do take more TIME! When your own posts get more comments or shares, you will get more clicks over to your post or website. Isn’t that what you want? Recently the folks at Edgerank Checker analyzed how many clicks a post received against each of the major metrics (likes, comments, impressions). They found that for every post that received a like it got 3.1 clicks. For each comment the post received it got 14.678 clicks. That is more than 4x the likes! Does that give you a reason not to be a lazy social media person?


RT’s vs. RT’s with Comments

Do you receive RT’s that are generic? Do you appreciate a RT that has a comment with it? Or do you see added words that add something with more value to the original post when someone shares it? Sometimes we go so fast or on our mobile and can’t quite find the way to RT without taking more time. Check out the following RT or share. Do you see the difference?

There are some awesome apps in this post! Free Apps to Make Your Life Easier Every Day via @lisapatb #apps

— Corina Ramos (@WFHConcepts) July 23, 2013

Corina added her own sentence before the actual tweet and gave it more Zing! Corina is not a lazy social media person. I’ve seen her do it on various social networks too. I’ve learned on mobile now with the Twitter app you can use the Quote feature to do this. Or you can use Tweetcaster makes it easy with their re-tweet feature. Hootsuite has the option too with their RT. How about peeps that only re-tweet stuff you have tweeted with their links? What’s up with that?

Google +

Google+ is similar to Twitter when one shares a post. Do you just share as is or do you add your commentary to it? Do you give it more reasons for others to open the post and read it? I know, it’s easy to hit the plus button and forget about it. Let’s not be that lazy social media person on Google+!


LinkedIn – Another place that I see many will like a post but not comment as often. I see it more there than any other social site and maybe because it’s the platform. Do you fear your employer seeing your comments? That could explain why it’s different on that platform.


Pinterest is a little different from the others but receiving comments may lead to more re-pins and followers. Some pins are so moving or so adorable – how can you not leave a comment?

Lazy Social Media – It’s the easy way out. But it’s not really being social now, is it? We must remember why we are on social media, to engage with others. Giving something a like does not engage. Like’s are still nice. But leaving comments and going back and forth with someone via a conversation – that’s engagement.

What do you feel are lazy social media moves?

Image of cat courtesy of koratmember at

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