Diet & Weight Magazine

5 Effective Ways to Burn Fat Fast – Explained Guide

By Barun K.

fatWhat is the easiest way to lose weight?

Many would say getting a balanced diet can trigger weight loss. But along with having a balanced diet, you have to learn effective ways to burn fat to ensure you get leaner and manage your weight properly.

Here we have 5 effective ways to burn fat fast. It not only assists in burning fat but also makes sure that fat willnot return:

1. Exercises

cardio exercise

When you try to lose weight by doing exercises, there are three very important things that you want to keep in mind, do exercises that:

  • Work major parts of your body, considerably the shoulders and hips.
  • Must be easy to perform and low impact, do not requireany special skills.
  • Safe to perform multiplereps, doesn’t require long rest periods.

Here are a few simple exercises that help you to burn fat faster:


A physical exercise where you go from a complete standing position to a squat position and then get down to perform a push up, get back into squat position, and jump straight up back into standing position. This complete series of actions is considered 1 Burpee.

You can start with doing 5-10 burpees in a minute and then increase as the days pass. It works the muscles from the thighs to shoulders and even the calf muscles, helping the fat burning process.

See this video for Burpess

Goblet Squat

One of the easiest and best ways to squat.

When you look to frontload the weight it helps you to have a straight back and reduces the stress on your spine. It even helps your thighs.

You need a dumbbell or a kettle bell and all you need to do is stand tall and sit and repeat. As you perform more reps, it is great for the shoulders and your core, too.

Try holding a weight that is half of your body weight (Or you can choose any weight you can work with) and do 10 reps every minute for around ten minutes to get the best results.

See this video for Goblet Squat

Deadmill Sprinting

Running is the best way to burn fat.

Individuals love to jog on treadmills, but it is easy to jog when you have a set speed on the treadmill. To increase the fat burning process and metabolic activity, you should jog on the treadmill when it is turned off.

Start running with the treadmill turned off, working against the treadmill shall increase your metabolism and the body shall burn more fat.

See this video for Deadmill Sprinting

Walking Lunges

It has to be the exercise you can do at the end of every workout, when you are looking to burn fat.

It can also be considered a stable form of running. One can easily do it continuously as it simply needs you to move from side to side which initiates maximum calorie burn. This stimulates your hips and thighs and also increases your metabolism.

Consider 10 minutes of walking lunges at the end of each workout. This helps you to increase your mobility, get strong knees and melt fat quickly.

See this video for Walking Lunges

2. Yoga


People participate in yoga to stretch their entire body, but it plays a very important role in melting body fats too and also increases your heart rate which aids in increasing metabolism.

Here are some poses that can help you to burn fat fast:


When we look to burn fat, we want to have a leaner shape for all our body parts, especially getting rid of a double chin.

Known as Lion pose,this helps to tone the facial muscles. All you need to do is sit in the Lion pose and stick your tongue out, this stretches your facial muscles, thorax, and even the spine.

Doing this regularly can help you to reduce the fat present around the facial area and get rid of a double chin.

See this video for Simhasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana

This is one of the best poses when you are looking to get rid of fat from your arms and biceps. With this pose, all your weight of the body rests on your hands.

This helps tone your arms and biceps. Do this for around 5 minutes every time you do Yoga to get best results.

See this video for Adho Mukha Svanasana

Chaturanga Dandasana

Also called the plank pose.

Here you are needed to stay off the ground by supporting the body on your hands and having a strong core. It not only helps you to have strong arms but also increases the strength of biceps and triceps too.

Start performing the plank for ten seconds and then increase the time day by day to strengthen your core and increase your arm strength.

See this video for chaturanga dandasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

This is a stretching exercise where your arm muscles and core muscles are stretched completely and the body weight is balanced. This is one of the efficient methods of toning arms, biceps, and triceps. Of course when you get worked up, metabolism increases and hence more fat is burned.

See this video for urdhva mukha svanasana


This asana has to be performed for around 5-7 minutes.

You have to get your body to resemble a see-saw in this asana. Here,your middle becomes the base of the body to balance it.

For individuals looking to get rid of belly fat, this is one of the best ways to see significant results. It can definitely help you to get toned abs.

See this video for Naukasana 

3. Train by picking up weights

weight training

With weight training, you are more likely to burn calories. This is a part ofresistance training, which works effectively inburning fat.

It is also found that with weight training, you are able to burn fat even while you are at rest for up to 39 hours after you have finished working out.

Also if you have more muscle mass, you get to burn more calories every day. It is also applicable for individuals solely looking to lose body fat to train with weights.

4. Drink More Glasses of Water

drinking water

Start drinking water, at least eight-8 ounces of water every day.

People with less water consumption are known to face kidney problems and put extra pressure on their liver.

As the liver plays an important role in burning up stored fat for energy, as the pressure builds up, it fails to work up to its complete potential. Thus more fat is stored in the body.

Also, there are other functions that drinking water promotes, which ensure either more fat is burned or less fat is stored in the body.

  • If you make it a habit to drink water every time you sit for a meal, you are less likely to eat more. It directly affects your appetite and prevents you from overeating, which is a major cause of weight gain or fat gain in the body.
  • It has zero calories; this is another important aspect of drinking water.
    For individuals that like to drink beverages like sodas, beer and so on, drinking water can help you to lose a considerable amount of weight.

Try replacing every bottled beverage you drink with one bottle of water, you will start seeing the change.

  • Lastly, drinking ice cold water is recommended to burn more calories.
    It is found that the body burns fat to reduce the temperature of cold water to normal body temperature. So, forcing the body to burn fats even a little with ice cold water is a good way to lose fatwithout doing anything.

5. Playing Outdoor Games

walking women

It is one of the fun ways of burning fatin the body.

Any kind of outdoor sport that you play is good for the metabolism and definitely for the fitness of the body.

When playing on the field, we are likely to stretch each and every part of our body. Also, when we spend time on the field, we need continuous energy. Thus, our body starts burning up the calories we have consumed and also the stored fats in the body to produce more energy.

Studies suggest, depending upon your weight, you are likely to burn an average of 300 to 400 calories in the 30 minutes you spend on the football field.

Irrespective of any fat burning method you choose, whether to get leaner or stronger or simply to lose weight, remember that getting proper rest is a very important aspect to achieve significant results.

Get proper rest! Exercise well! Burn fat fast!

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