We spend an average time of eight hours a day at the office. You probably pay very little attention, but a workplace has its share of health risks for its workers. In general, many offices do not (or too little) respect hygiene standards. A clean business environment is not only beneficial for your colleagues and employees. It also gives you a professional and neat image with your customers.
Beyond routine maintenance, an in-house cleaning service can you help maintain a healthy professional environment. Here are some 5 DIY cleaning hacks which will make your office cleaner and through more light and freshness in your business to complement a professional cleaning service.
Clear your officeIt seems that a messy office is supposedly a sign of creativity! While this may not be wrong, the truth is that a messy desk is a great place for dirt and germs to accumulate. One of the best ways to prevent this accumulation is to gradually decrease your paper use and use an electronic document management system instead. Only things you need immediately should be kept on your desk. It is also advisable no to throw papers on the floor; you could get a dustbin better still.
Do not eat at your deskCutlery, crumbs, wrappers and pieces of food on your desk are unsightly and unhygienic. Many of us have an uncomfortable tendency to eat on their desks at lunch or snack time. Encourage your employees and colleague to take a break, in addition to marking a break, the break is crucial to their mental balance. Rather than dirtying your workplace and bothering colleagues, do not hesitate to take a break at your cafeteria, outside or in a common area with regular on-site cleaning.
Keep your electronics cleanKeyboards, phones, mice, headsets, computers, tablets, and other electronic devices: everything goes! It is essential to clean these devices at least two to three times a week to get rid of dirt and germs that have lodged there. Disinfectant wipes will allow you to perform a quick cleaning and without risk of damaging your electronic devices. In addition, carpet cleaning twice a year significantly reduces dust accumulation on furniture and appliances as this is most important ever.
Use ecological productsWhether in your day-to-day or with your in-house cleaning service, green cleaning is a holistic approach. By using green products, you ensure the well-being of your colleagues and employees, using materials and practices that respect health and the environment.
When selecting an in-house cleaning service, pay attention to the products used by the company. Ensure that it meets pre-established health and safety criteria and aims to minimize negative impacts on the environment while reducing exposure to harmful cleaning residues.
Hire a company cleaning serviceIs not this obvious? A cleaning company can save you time, money and keep your business premises clean and hygienic. In addition, using an established and experienced company cleaning service is by far the best way to ensure optimal daily cleanliness.