Books Magazine

5 Books to Put in Your Book Queue

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Hope you are all having an excellent Tuesday. Here are 5 books to put in your book queue. They are from Melanie, the author of the blog Deliberate Donkey.

Happy reading

1. The Hero With a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell, 1949. This groundbreaking study of world mythology extends beyond the mechanics of storytelling, it shares the secrets of the connection between life and literature.
5 books to put in your book queue
2. The Poet of Tolstoy Park, Sonny Brewer, 2005. Henry Stuart turns to literature to come to terms with a life-changing event, and, in doing so, he learns he has to live his life to have a life.
5 books to put in your book queue
3. Ella Minnow Pea, Mark Dunn, 2001. Ella and her neighbors are losing their ability to communicate, and she learns it takes steadfast dedication to go against the masses, to press your purpose and win your cause.
5 books to put in your book queue
4. Black No More, George Schuyler, 1931. Max Disher is a young black man who becomes white. He joins the KKK and learns why we can’t all be the same, even though we already are. 
5. The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett, 1911. Mary Lennox finds the greatest beauty is on the inside, and that it must be tended, cultivated, and cared for to achieve greatness.
5 books to put in your book queue
If you would like to contribute your own suggestions of five things to do today then please e-mail them to [email protected] ThanksDavid

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