Society Magazine

5 Books to Improve Mind-Body Performance

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

It’s the time of year when people think about how to be better, fitter, and smarter; so I thought I’d drop a list of books that I found helpful and thought-provoking.

If you’re interested in learning more about any of these books, the hyperlinks take you to my review in GoodReads, and from GoodReads you can get to Amazon page.

1.) THE RISE OF SUPERMAN by Steven Kotler: How do extreme athletes achieve Flow when one false move will kill them?

5 Books to Improve Mind-Body Performance

2.) FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER by Mark McClusky: How do elite athletes squeeze the most out of the potential of the human body?

5 Books to Improve Mind-Body Performance

3.) BECOMING BATMAN by E. Paul Zehr: What would it take, physically and mentally, to become the Caped Crusader?

5 Books to Improve Mind-Body Performance

4.) FLOW by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: How does one achieve that state of relaxed and confident concentration in which we perform our best called Flow?


5.) Extreme Fear by Jeff Wise: How does one overcome anxiety and fear to perform one’s best?

5 Books to Improve Mind-Body Performance

By in 2017, Book Reviews, Books, exercise, fitness, martial arts, Nutrition, Reviews, science, sports, yoga on January 8, 2017.

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