4th of August is Master CVV‘s 153rd birthday, being born on Tuesday, 4th of August, 1868 (see here about his birth chart and also at the end of the text, and here the ephemerides of 1868). He is known as The Aquarian Master, who, in 1910, anchored the energy of synthesis on our planet.
In the book “Mystic Mantrams and Master CVV” Master EK writes about Master CVV:
The New Era
Evolution is a gradual expansion of consciousness. This expansion takes place from atom to man. As we look around we find men in different stages of evolution. The differences between saint and sinner, between genius and idiot, are only reconcilable with the conception of the law of evolution. This evolution is the heritage of all men. At the zenith of this evolutionary ladder stand some persons whom we call gurus or Masters. They stand as the torchbearers to the humanity only to shed light on the path to assist its evolution.
The birth of Master C. V. V. marked the beginning of a new era of Hierarchical activities. Contact on the personal level increases on a large scale and the activity of personal transaction establishes the soul link. It results in establishing communion of pure human values on international level.
Master EK, “My Light”, 22-7-1977

Photo of a 3-d picture of M. CVV on a blue background: “Multidimensional Expansion of Consciousness”