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450+Best Free High Authority Social Bookmarking Sites 2022

Posted on the 09 April 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Complete List Of Best High PR Do Follow Social Bookmarking Sites

Are you looking for high Authority bookmarking websites [year] here is the list of social bookmarking sites with dofollow backlinks. Social bookmarking is one of the best and easiest ways of earning backlinks from high quality sites, as any SEO professional would tell you.

Social bookmarking will earn you good quality traffic; this in turn will boost your website Alexa pretty much. So why not use Dofollow social bookmarking websites and earn some backlinks which will fetch you good link juice.

What Are Social Bookmarking Websites?

In short Social bookmarking websites are those on which people share or search web pages, blog posts, videos, images, articles etc., that other people have bookmarked with the help of metadata. Technorati, Folkd, Blinklist, Digg, , Diigo,, Reddit, StumbleUpon are some of the well- known and top most social bookmarking websites.

Do's And Dont's While Doing social Bookmarking

450+Best Free High Authority Social Bookmarking Sites 2022

The good thing is that there are many social bookmarking sites which give dofollow links to their users. Bookmarking is a smart way to earn good backlinks from credible sites. Search Engines do give preference to these websites.

But before you go through this social bookmarking list beware, if you do too much of spamming there you can get penalize easily by the moderators of these websites. So never spam there and try to promote your websites or blogs in genuine manner. Don't vigorously promote your websites content it will create panic button to moderator and they will ban you straight away. Also keep this thing in mind never promote your content too much, promote other blogs content too.

Because sharing other content will increase your credibility and you can earn good followers. So promoting other content shows that you are real blogger and people will like this. Many websites moderators will like this sharing method and you would soon gain trust of moderator. So I hope you like these High PR do follow social bookmarking sites list [year].

How to Submit Your Site to 48 Social Bookmarking Sites to Increase SEO, Backlinks, and Traffic

Best High PR Do Follow Social Bookmarking Sites [year] with do follow links:

Social Bookmarking:

450+Best Free High Authority Social Bookmarking Sites 2022

Social bookmarking is the part of internet marketing where you build the reference point for your content or the website. Through social bookmarking you can make the content or the website available on the web for public which increases the chance of getting the keywords ranked related to our business.

It's like the same old website bookmarking, where you bookmark the website for future reference on your browser. Social bookmarking allows you to keep the track of the content and the social bookmarking increases the authority of the website by allowing the search algorithms know that your content is valuable enough.

If you use social bookmarking properly, then it can be a boon for you and if not then it can be a disaster for your website.

How to rank your website through social bookmarking?

If you regularly follow the process of social bookmarking then it will increase the domain authority of your website and your content will start ranking based on the keywords chose for the business. But, there are several social bookmarking sites which have the pre-determined authority.

Rapid Site Indexing

If you want to rank your website on the first page of Google or get the site indexed faster, then you have to use social bookmarks for the process. Google collects the bank of information from the website, and the process to collect all the information of the website is known as indexing. In the indexing process it crawls the web for the information and updates its database.

If you use social bookmarking, then you are helping Google algorithm to go through the right direction and search for your website content much faster than the website which has no bookmarks.

High Social Presence

If your content is much popular on social media then your domain authority will increase. So, social bookmarks help your website to allow Google know that how much your website is famous in public. If you have the good history of content which is liked and shared among the public then it is going to increase the domain authority of your website.

High-authority backlinks

450+Best Free High Authority Social Bookmarking Sites 2022

Social bookmarking sites will pass a link to the original website, in the form of dofollow link which will also pass the authority of that social bookmarking site to your website.


Referrals will not increase your Google rankings, but through social bookmarking you can increase the traffic to your site using referrals. So, the process is if people see that your content is popular on the social media and people are sharing it then they will start following your site directly and most likely they will hit the enter button. Through social bookmarking many bloggers have grabbed many visitors on their website every month.

Be careful while using social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is the boon for the bloggers who use it in the better way. But, if you mishandle it then your website can be penalized and your content will never rank. So, see the best practices below before you start using the social bookmarking site:

  • Social media site give you a chance to fill out the profile properly and then claim the social space. So, if you leave the field unfilled then you wont have any chance to get the site indexed faster on the search engines. So, more the data you fill more consistent you become across the search engine and your website will rank better.
  • You must be active throughout when you use social bookmarking. It's not like you have submitted the social bookmarks on your website and you are done with it. It is a recurring process where you have to continuously build the social bookmarking site on the weekly basis.
  • The list provided here are the high authority sites and they are tested well before posted here. So, if you use the below social bookmarking sites then you have the higher chances of ranking your keywords which will ultimately increase the traffic on your website. But, if you engage yourself in the low authority sites then not only your keywords will not rank but the authority juice will also be sucked away. So, be careful before you use the social bookmarking site and check the authority of the site.
  • Social bookmarking is just like the social media. You have to build the strong community before you build your social bookmarking list. So, get connected with the people through social media and then start contributing to the community whenever possible. This will increase the authority of your website and search engine algorithms will also follow your website.

There are more than 100 social bookmarking sites listed below with which you can build the authority of your website and then enjoy the traffic and hefty income on your website.

Social bookmarking is just like the SEO campaign, so you have to closely monitor the progress and adjust your plan. You need to keep the close eye on the referral traffic and the organic traffic. What works for one industry the same will not work for other industry. So, while going through the process figure out the flaws and tune in your approach for the best results.

Technically you will be able to bookmark anything - you may virtually bookmark each page of your website or blog but I don't suggest that. The concept behind social bookmarking is that you simply sharing content with different users round the internet. This can be significantly vital for sites with a vote element. If you bookmark rubbish it's simply a style of spamming! I like to recommend solely bookmarking your best content - blog posts, articles, editorials, interviews, podcasts, videos, resources and other stuffs. This keeps everybody happy.

So Do you have any more social bookmarking websites [year] which gives do follow links just drop in the links in comments below I would be happy to know that.

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