Business Magazine

“40 Under 40″

Posted on the 17 October 2011 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal
“40 under 40″

Henriette Kolb, CEO of The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (photo by: Via DevEx)

Innovation. Leadership. Accountability. Dedication. These characteristics are important in any field and the development world is no exception.  Exemplifying these characteristics, many young professionals around the world are helping to drive development programs to new arenas and levels of impact. In an effort to recognize and inspire the next generation of leaders in the international development community, DevEx periodically publishes lists of 40 impactful individuals who are under 40 years of age.

Not only does the list acknowledge the important work that these people do, but it also highlights pressing development issues. As such, it is significant that today the DevEx Selection Committee chose Henriette Kolb, CEO of The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, as a finalist for the London area “40 under 40” list.

The Cherie Blair Foundation works with women entrepreneurs around the world to build and expand their businesses. As that happens, women not only help themselves but also benefit their families and communities. To accomplish this multiplier effect, the Foundation works with local organizations to provide support in business skills, technology, networks and access to finance.

Since joining the Foundation, Kolb has been a tremendous and thoughtful advocate for women’s entrepreneurship. As she tells DevEx, “Our work is only successful if we can build long-term solutions together with partners. In many developing and emerging markets, the private sector is best placed to generate economic opportunities for women, but it cannot do this alone. The government needs to be involved in producing a reliable regulatory and legal environment in which women are protected. It is important for us to fit in with national development plans and to ensure that what we are doing is supportive of local priorities and efforts.”

To learn more about Kolb and The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, you can read CIPE’s most recent Economic Reform Feature Service article by Henriette Kolb, titled “Capability, Confidence, and Capital: The Cornerstones of Women’s Empowerment.” The article is based on Kolb’s remarks at CIPE’s Democracy that Delivers for Women event, and you can watch those online at

For too long women have been perceived as a special interest group, even though they are half of the world’s population.  That is why the Cherie Blair Foundation and its partner network are groundbreaking and so vital to global development. Considering her work with women entrepreneurs around the world as well as prior experience in the Middle East, Henriette Kolb exemplifies leadership and innovation in development. Her DevEx recognition is well deserved.

Read the Feature Service article here:

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