From the Blog over40productqueen.blogspot My Over 40 Childish Behavior
There are certain things I loved at 10 that I continue to embrace as an over 40. Here are five of them:
1. A pony tail-
Even though I am probably too darn old to be wearing a pony tail, it's a hard habit to break. When I have a bad hair day or Ma Nature is not being cooperative, I turn to my old friend, pony. Simple, yet very effective.
2. Chewing gum-
I know it's not the most dainty or professional looking. Sometimes when I'm on a long car trip, or craving something sweet, I love some good old Double Bubble or those large sour gumballs. I am guilty of blowing some monstrous bubbles while deep in thought. Worry not, I don't go to a cocktail party cracking my Wrigley's. I do know better.
3. Crazy facial expressions-
I have a very animated face. When I was in college (100 years ago) a photography student took pictures of all my crazy facial expressions for his senior project and it was showcased. One beauty was even selected for the cover of our college newspaper. I can't imagine I had any guys chasing me down for my phone number that month. Even in adulthood someone will make a comment about the faces I make. It's been part of me for so long that I don't even realize that I do it.
4. Reading magazines-
Man, I loved Seventeen Magazine. I wanted to be Brooke Shields in the biggest way. Occasionally,you could even catch me flipping through a GQ. I actually had my wall plastered with supermodels until Billy Idol came along. Nowadays, a magazine works wonders for me on a long flight. Of course I enjoy a good book, but sometimes I just want a magazine to pour over.
5. Laughing til my side aches-
There is truly nothing better than uncontrollable laughter. Well, perhaps if it's at an inappropriate time or place it's not so funny. Yeah, that's happened. Sometimes late at night when I am way to tired to act like a functioning adult, the silliest thing will set me off and I cannot get control. I'll just finally calm down and then off I go again. I wonder if this counts as exercise.
What childish behavior did you carry over to adulthood? I'd love to hear about it! "With a rebel yell, she cried more, more, more!" Thanks for reading. Bye for now....