Family Magazine

4 Week Challenge: My Thinspiration

By Milastolemyheart
So it's only two days since I challenged myself to No Sweet Treats for 30 days (or the shorter. 4 weeks). I'd like to report that I've been successful so far. Yey!
It shouldn't really be a surprise since it's only two days and my resolve is still very strong. There were alot of temptations already but I held on.
Mila got her final set of Halloween treats from her aunt - two fistful of mini Toblerone, big bar of Mars and Snickers, and my ultimate favorite, Twix.  Nope, I didn't touch them at all.
I don't really exercise. The last time I was in a gym, I signed up for the weight gain program. That was at least 8 years ago. For 2 years now, my Gold's Gym Membership is just a money pit. The second year was renewed automatically and the new card is left unclaimed. It'll end this November and I will definitely term it. I don't want to waste anymore money on something I will not use.
That does not mean no exercise for me. In fact, because I'm inspired by this challenge, I got to do crunches again. I just woke up yesterday very early and just started doing it. I feel like I don't want my sacrifice to be for nothing. I want to boost the results by exercising. So I did it. That reminds me that I need to download some app to guide me on what exercise to do and find out how to do this right.
In the meantime, let me share with you my Thinspiration. This was taken in Coron, Palawan, February 2012. I never had abs, nor been the supermodel sexy I want to be. But this, I think, is the best my body had been and I want it back.
No Sweets Thinspiration

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