
4 Ways to Treat Bad Dog Breath Naturally

Posted on the 08 June 2021 by Walterperez

Few smells are unpleasant, dog’s bad breath is one of them. Bad dog breath is not just gross, it may also be a sign of health problems. Dog’s mouth contains microbes, some of which belong to a family of bacteria called Porphyromonas. These bacteria are responsible for causing gingivitis. This dental issue leads to tooth decay that can cause bad breathing and other dental issues in dogs. Dental diseases in dogs can worsen and lead to fatal conditions if not treated properly. It is better to treat the bad dog breath in every case. If the condition is extreme, you have to get your dog to the veterinarian for proper checkup and treatment.

Causes of bad dog breath

Dog’s owner may not focus on the bad dog breath and think it is just “dog breath”, but there is always a cause behind that odor.

Periodontal disease

Poor oral hygiene and periodontal disease are the most common causes of bad breaths in dogs. Periodontal disease, a condition suffered by 80% of dogs over the age of three. Formation of tartar and plaque can lead to development of different bacteria. These bacteria can cause bad breaths in dogs. If you do not brush your dog’s teeth regularly, then the most common cause of bad breath is formation of plaque in the mouth. Plaque and tartar formation in the mouth can push away gums from the teeth, causing development of different bacteria. This can inflame the dog’s gums and also cause infections, tissue destruction, tooth loss and bad breath.

Kidney disease

If a dog eats poop, he might have a breath that is similar to poop, but if your dog’s breath smells like urine but doesn’t mean he has been drinking urine. Smell of urine is the warning sign of kidney disease and you have to visit your dog to the veterinarian. Kidney disease is a very serious problem and symptoms may lead to larger health problems.  

Liver disease

If your dog breath is foul and also vomiting, shows lack of appetite and has a yellow tinge to the gums then he has liver problems. Liver disease can be a sign of a serious problem, so you have to get your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible for proper checkup.  


If your dog’s bad breath has a sweet and fruity smell then it is most likely that your dog has diabetes. Sweet and fruity smell is the sign of diabetes, it is a serious but treatable condition. Additionally, dog diabetes is also due to increased sugar content in saliva that produce bad dog breath.

Ways to treat bad dog breath naturally

Treating bad dog breath depends upon the cause, but there are some natural ways to treat bad dog breath.

Brush your dog’s teeth regularly

Bad dog breath isn’t normal, it is the sign of an unhealthy mouth. Sick teeth and gums are left untreated then it leads to life threatening health problems. So, brush your teeth regularly or at least once a week. For this purpose, you can wrap a clean piece of gauze around your finger and run it over your dog’s teeth. There are also rubber brushes available that can fit on the end of your fingers. Do not use human toothpaste because it contains xylitol, an ingredient that can cause liver failure in dogs. Also, do not use baking soda because it is bad for dogs to ingest. Always use dog toothpaste that is delicate and gentle for dogs.

Give some probiotics to your dog

In dogs, probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are naturally present in the gut. They can help in digestion of food and also keep the immune system healthy. Some of the most important and beneficial bacteria are Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Streptococcus.

You can also find probiotic supplements for your dog’s health. Giving your dog probiotics regularly can help balance healthy oral bacteria and also keep the breathing smell fresh of the dog. You can consult your veterinarian about the best brand of probiotics and the dosage of it.  

Hydrogen sulfide is a Sulphur compound that is excreted by bacteria. It is responsible for the rotten egg smell that can cause bad breath. Yogurt acts as an antidote for this type of bacteria and also reduces hydrogen sulfide when eaten twice a day. Adding yogurt to your dog’s food every morning and evening helps to remove these bacteria and also easily fight the unpleasant smell of breath. Moreover, yogurt contains high amounts of calcium that is good for dog’s teeth.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is also popular for its immunity boosting properties and for improving skin.  Coconut oil has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties that help to reduce the bacteria in the dog’s mouth and treat bad dog breath.  Collection of bacteria in the mouth can lead to different health problems such as periodontal and kidney disease. These diseases belong to stingy dog breath. However, by adding a few drops into the dog’s food helps to prevent these bacteria and give your dog’s mouth a refreshing smell.

You can add a little amount of coconut oil in the dog’s food. Try to start slowly with a small amount so it cannot upset the dog’s stomach. Feed your dog with coconut oil once or twice a day, but you have to watch the dog’s weight. The reason is that it is oil that can increase fat content in dogs. Another way is to use coconut oil as a toothpaste when brushing your dog’s teeth.


If the bad dog breath is due to indigestion or bacteria that are present in his gut, mint might be helpful to treat it. This herb is helpful to promote healthy digestion and also reduce the inflammation of the stomach. It also helps to prevent the stomach acid from reaching the mouth that causes bad breath. Mint contains chlorophyll, which has abilities to promote good digestion. For this, you have to just sprinkle some fresh mint leaves on the dog’s food every morning and night and enjoy minty fresh dog breath.

4 ways to treat bad dog breath naturally

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