To be truly fashionable, you need to have some individuality to your look. However, that doesn’t mean you should run out and immediately buy a quirky, hipster wardrobe. That tactic can actually work against you, since trying to incorporate too many trends into your wardrobe won’t work. In order to find your own unique style, try tweaking the small things first. Here are four tips that provide good stepping stones for men who are looking for ways to pump up their personal style.
Details Make the Man
The old adage of the devil being in the details is still around for a reason, and that’s because it’s the small tweaks that really set apart the stylish from the fashion-challenged. One of the easiest ways to start updating details in your wardrobe is experimenting with socks. Designer men’s socks from VK Nagrani, a high end sock and underwear retailer that sells lots of different colors and fabric types, are a great way to kick off your makeover. If you’ve never purchased a pair of checkered or brightly colored socks before, now’s the time to try. As long as the quality is there, you can get away with a lot of different socks. Just remember to never wear dress socks with athletic shoes, or thick athletic socks with dress shoes. While this isn’t very hard to remember, it’s good to keep in mind as you start browsing soc
Dig Deep and Find Treasure
According to Esquire, a recent study revealed that men only wear about 13 percent of the clothes in their closet. If you’re a man that falls into this category, then it’s time to shop your closet. Chances are that unworn clothes are hanging in your closet due to one of two reasons, the first being that some of the garments don’t fit properly. If you know a shirt or pair of trousers don’t fit the right way, toss them. The other reason, though, is that you might have bought something you liked, but then either felt too intimidated to wear it, or even forgot about it. It happens to every guy, but that’s why you need to dive headfirst into the unworn items in your wardrobe. In effect, in theory, you should be wearing 1ect a serio00 percent of your wardrobe. Wearing your clothes confidently is the perfect way to injus dose of personality, since confidence shines through.
Polish Head to Toe
Always keep your clothes, shoes, and accessories in good shape. Looking sharp is definitely a personality booster that people notice, and you’ll be associated thereafter with looking put together. Men’s Journal recommends that shining up your shoes makes you look refined, and people notice. Many men also have one or two main pairs of shoes they wear on a daily basis, depending on the social occasion, so you’ll want to take care of those shoes. You don’t need to have five pairs of Italian leather loafers to be stylish, but you do need to take proper care of the ones you have. A little polish can go a long way in projecting the type of image you want.
Be Creative and Clever with Accessories
Ask Men highlighted ten of the best dressed men who regularly appear on Instagram, praising fashion icons who knew how to get the accessories right. It’s small touches, such as matching a bracelet to a shirt pattern, that gives your look flair. Therefore, if you’re going for a patterned shirt and you want to rock a wooden watch, make sure there’s some connection between the watch and the actual colors or pattern on the shirt. This is the best way to use accessories in a smart manner that boosts your style savvy. Incorporating unexpected and unique elements with your accessories also draws positive attention and makes you seem like a trendsetter. For example, watches for men these days have grown increasingly daring and avant-garde. Don’t be afraid to wear one on your wrist as long as it matches your outfit and the rest of your aesthetic. On the other hand, some men enjoy shopping for multiple accessories and have an array. You don’t need to have a huge collection, but rather, just a sense of self awareness about what you’re trying to channel.
Finding your own style identity isn’t difficult if you take it one step at a time. Jumping into the nearest style guide and trying to incorporate everything you learn into your look at once is only going to lead to a jumbled, aesthetically messy appearance. Take a few of these tips into account and carefully select a detail to focus on that you feel suits your personal look. Make sure you’re following basic style rules, such as what kinds of socks to wear with dress shoes versus athletic shoes. Beyond that, though, feel free to experiment to your heart’s content until you find a look that’s truly your own.