Disclosure: This post was sponsored by TapInfluence and Astroglide TTC. This post is for informational purposes only. If you have any questions, about trying to conceive or fertility issues please contact your gynecologist.
I remember when we started trying to have a baby about two years after we got married and I remember thinking that I would fall pregnant right away. I was quite shocked when aunt flo would make her appearance and I wasn’t pregnant after the first few months of trying. It ended up taking us about 18 months to conceive my youngest son which to me felt like a lifetime. I can’t image what it feels like to be disappointed month after month for two years or more.
Typically, most women fall pregnant within 6 months to a year of trying for a baby. Today, I wanted to share a few tips on family planning.
If you are laid back and want to go with the flow, then you just need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself so that your body is healthy when you conceive. Here are a few things to ensure that you are healthy:
- get plenty of rest every night
- eat healthy, balanced meals
- get yearly pap smears and well check ups
- lose weight if you are overweight or obese
- have intercourse frequently
- use a sperm friendly brand of lube
Get to Know Your Cycle
Before you even consider trying to conceive, you will need to actively monitor to your monthly cycle. The goal is to try and figure out when your a ovulating. This will help you predict which days are the best to have intercourse. Your in luck if you have a cycle like clockwork but most women’s cycle often varies slightly. A woman who has a normal 28 day cycle, can easily figure out the midpoint of her cycle.
Have a Health Check-Up with Your Gynecologist
I remember after several months went by, I finally decided to schedule a well woman exam with my gynecologist. We were able to discuss my possible fertility issues. Since I had children before, my doctor didn’t feel that would have any issues conceiving again. However, if I continued having fertility issues to come back in and see him. A yearly check up will give you the opportunity to talk to your health care provider and they can help determine if you think that you are having trouble conceiving. From there your gynecologist can make the necessary referrals to infertility specialists or perform additional testing.
Reduce the Stress
Stress can play a role in getting pregnant. WebMd, states that doctors say that there isn’t enough data to support that stress and conception are related. But that they believe that in the next several years that there will be more data available to support the idea. Here are a few ways to help reduce stress:
- Avoid unnecessary stress (it isn’t always avoidable but do your best to avoid as much as you can).
- Learn how to say “no”.
- Take control over the things that you know that stress you out.
- Don’t participate in highly debated conversations (ie politics, religion, and other stressors)
- Cut down your to do list.
- Alter as many situations as possible.
- Learn to express your feelings instead of bottling them in until you are ready to explode.
- Try to compromise more.
- Be assertive and take care of your problems head on.
- Learn how to manage your time more effectively.
Remember to Take Time to Have Fun and Connect With Your Spouse
Make sure that you take the time to connect with your spouse and have fun. You can enjoy a date night together or even book a romantic vacation together. Basically, don’t make everything that you talk about or do about trying to conceive. I heard that when you are having fun you are more relaxed.
Astroglide TTC™ is a specially formulated for couples who are trying to conceive, Astroglide TTC supports
fertility with adjusted pH levels, compatible osmolality and a consistency similar to your body’s cervical mucus.
Each package contains 8 pre-filled disposable applicators that make it easy to coat the inside of the vagina,
supplementing natural fluids and enhancing comfort.
How it Works
When trying to conceive, it is vital to provide an environment where sperm has a chance of survival.
Environmental conditions are affected by pH levels, osmolality (the concentration of substances like
sodium and potassium) and the consistency of egg white cervical mucus. While traditional lubricants may
affect these conditions and inhibit sperm motility, studies have shown that Astroglide TTC is compatible
with sperm, oocytes and embryos and allows sperm to move freely.
TTC is specially formulated with adjusted pH levels, compatible osmolality and a consistency similar to
that of your own cervical mucus, making it less likely to hinder sperm motility than traditional lubricants.
TTC also contains galactose, which is found naturally in semen, as well as fructose, the main source of
energy for sperm.
Like all Astroglide products, TTC also temporarily relieves vaginal dryness during sexual activity.
You can purchase it at Amazon, Drugstore.com, CVS, and other retailers.
Connect with Astroglide on Pinterest.
You can even submit your own testimonial.
Astroglide TTC™ sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine
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