Lifestyle Magazine
I live a busy life style. I love being busy but I also love my downtime as well. I'm a working Mom, the usual 8-5 Monday through Friday job. Add in an hour commute each way and that adds up to about 50 hours of just work. Grab a pinch of blogging and I feel as if I'm working a 60-70 hour work week. Oh wait, I'm also a Mom with a sassy little two year old and needing some alone time with my husband in the mix. Where do the days go? How can you get it all done? Here are 4 tips that help me stay on top of everything among the chaos.
1. Write It Down. I'm notorious for having multiple planners for specific things or writing out ideas on my iPhone. When I think of an idea, I immediately put it into a planner or jot it on a piece of paper.
2. Take One Day. I usually pick Sunday when Lily is napping to write out blog posts for the week. If I have a campaign I'm working on that may take more time, I'll draft out what I think would be good content, take photos and then review it the day before it'll go live to make sure everything is set. By having majority of my posts already finished and written out, I don't have to wrack my brain for ideas the night before. I'm usually exhausted after work so having this already out of the way makes me feel better.
3. Schedule. I have a hard copy of what I want to plan out for the week/month with posts. If there are fun events or collaborations that need to go up, I'll shift things around to make it work for that week. I love using HootSuite to help schedule posts throughout the day so I don't have to take time out of my busy schedule to try and get it to post.
4. Blog Your Best. For me, the morning is usually the best time for me to blog. I'm a morning person by nature and my thoughts are always running at it's quickest after a good cup of coffee. Knowing this, I'll wake up early on Sunday and try to knock out a few posts before Zach and Lily wake up. I'll review drafts for the week and put finishing touches on pictures. I love having this done and then enjoying the rest of the weekend with my family.
Of course, these things have really helped me stay on top of my blogging. Life happens and it's good to try and stay on top of everything if possible. By having back up posts of drafts, I can always post them quickly if I'm in a jam. Being organized is key, in my opinion and these 4 tips have made all the difference in my busy, but happy schedule.
How do you stay on top of blogging?