
4 Security Measures That Help Small Businesses Secure Their Websites

Posted on the 02 September 2019 by Anees @ZulfiqarAAnees

Website security is something that every company, developer, and blogger should consider. There is a misconception that small businesses don’t have to worry about securing their sites as much as big companies do, but statistics have proven that the idea is completely wrong.

The latest data indicate that 43% of cyber-attacks target small businesses, and only 14% have strong cybersecurity measures to help them cope. It also turned out that these attacks cost SMEs losses ranging from $84,000 to $148,000 per breakthrough.

Small businesses need to keep up with their competitors, and quickly roll out new products and services to keep them successful. In this context, the use of digital tools, especially websites, is essential in enabling collaboration, project management, planning, and customer interaction. and be completely safe.

Small businesses should look for the best ways to keep the site secure against hackers and spammers, to secure their data and those of customers who use the website.

Here are four security measures that help small businesses secure their positions:

  1. Activating multi-factor authentication:

    Multi-Factor Authentication is a good way for companies to keep users logged on to the website.
    This method gives customers access only after providing one or more proofs of identity to the authentication mechanism, which is designed to protect against credential theft, and companies use various authentication methods depending on the situation.
    After multi-factor authentication is enabled, hackers will have difficulty breaking into accounts used by employees or customers, because they can’t access their devices to get an identity verification code.

  2. Create a backup of the website:

    All sites need to develop a contingency plan to properly deal with sudden problems, such as a major cyberattack, or service outage, the goal is to restore the primary website, its associated databases, and return to normal functioning as quickly as possible.
    Your company must have a strict backup policy for all major databases, and best practices emphasize that you should take more than one backup on multiple global servers, even if your primary database is down in one area, you can move the work to another Quickly.

  3. Using Captcha:

    Aside from using multi-factor authentication, you can also use CAPTCHA to get rid of bots that attack websites; there are many CAPTCHA puzzles that you can set up for people trying to sign in.

  4. Encryption of customer data:

    Enabling SSL on the website allows you to protect online transactions by keeping data confidential as it travels across sites through encryption; in other words, client data will not be visible to hackers.
    Many people use the Internet over public Wi-Fi networks that are unreliable and possibly insecure, making their personal data available to anyone, but with SSL encryption, stolen data cannot be decrypted.
    Using the SSL protection protocol, you protect client data flowing between the server and the client browser, but this does not prevent hackers from trying to infiltrate back-end systems and steal information directly from the source, which is why it is also necessary to have encryption tools to protect your databases and servers.
    It is unlikely that the hosting service will allow you to start installing security software on its server, but you should ask questions about the security options you will get, before signing up for the hosting service, where database tables must be encrypted, protect email addresses, phone numbers and passwords. Traffic, credit card numbers.

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