Even though you’re a vegetarian, doesn’t mean you can’t build muscle. In fact, there are some muscle men who are vegetarians. But how can you achieve muscle growth if you’re not consuming meat? Here are muscle-building rules from No Max Shred (even if you’re not eating meat):
1. Know your whey. Classify what type of vegetarian you are: Lacto-vegetarian, Vegan, Lacto-ovo, or Pescatarian. This will help you make smarter decisions in choosing your diet.
2. Plant protein. Yes, you can get protein—important in building muscle—from plants and eggs. Study them.
3. Balance is the key. Eat a wide array of fruits and veggies. Alternate them throughout your daily diet.
4. Be careful of deficiencies. Eat dark leafy greens, dried fruits, and beans to avoid deficiencies.