For some people upper pecs are the most hardest to develop. They find it easier to develop the middle and lower pectoral muscles, but very much difficulty in developing upper pecs. Here I will show some powerful upper pec workouts. These are not anything new and invented by me. These are some of the powerful basic exercises to develop a massive upper pec.

Incline barbell bench press builds mass and strength in the upper pectorals. Bench press is one of the major compound exercise for the upper body. It also produces mass and strength for the chest, shoulders and triceps.To do upper barbell bench press, lie on an incline bench. Grasp the bar with a medium wide grip. Lift the bar and hold it at arms length above you. Lower the bar to your upper pecs, stop for a moment and press back to the starting position.
2. Incline Dumbbell Press
Incline dumbbell presses are done in the same way as of incline barbell bench press. But the difference is that you are using dumbbells as the name suggests, instead of barbells. Grab two dumbbells in each hand and lie back on an incline bench. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder height palms facing forward. Lift them simultaneously straight up overhead, then lower them back to the starting position. Some people, especially shorter guys find it more beneficial to do dumbbell press, because it gives a larger range of motion.
3. Incline Dumbbell Fly's
Incline dumbbell fly's are one of my favorite chest exercises. It helps to develop mass in the upper pectorals.To do incline dumbbell fly's, lie on an incline bench holding dumbbells at arm's length above you with palms facing each other. Lower the weights out and down to either side in a wide arc as far as you can, feeling maximum stretch in the pectoral muscles. Throughout the movement, the palm should face each other.
4. Incline Bench Cable Crossovers
Incline bench cable crossovers build upper and inner pectoral muscles. Lie on an incline bench between two floor-level pulleys. Take the handles in each hand and bring the hands together at arm's length above you with palms facing each other. Slightly bent your elbows and lower your hands out to either side in a wide arc until your pectorals are fully stretched. Bring your arms back towards the starting position, passing through the same sweeping arc.