C.olor D = color-less and blindingly perfect
C.larity I.nternally F.lawless (this goes opposite the grades, the lower letter the better, this guy got the F)
C.arat 76,45 (the biggest in history, it could never be set as a ring)
C.ut P.erfect: a total of 58 (33 in crown and table + 24 in the pavilion + 1 in the culet)
A Cinderella Story.
It once belonged to the Asburgo family, named after the Archduke Joseph and after a series of events, it was deposited in the Bank of Hungary. As in every romantic novel, some mystery veils its pilgrimages (given that such a word can be used for such a royal element) it resurfaced in Switzerland. Its original homeland was Golconde, India, home of the purest diamonds in the world, such as the one of the British Crown.
Now, it will be sold by Christie’s for an estimated value of 15 to 20 millions.Â
May the Arciduca Giuseppe rest in pure bliss.
— 2 hours ago#diamonds#auction#Baviera#carat#cut#clarity