Food & Drink Magazine

4 Factors You Didn’t Realize Could Affect Your Health

By Marialiberati

Your health can be affected by a variety of factors, from the nutrients you consume to the stress you experience. It's important to know what affects your health and how you can live life to the fullest by taking care of yourself. Here are a few things that have a major impact on your health and wellbeing.

Lack of Nutrients

Just because you eat a well-balanced diet doesn't mean you're absorbing all of the nutrients you need. Our food is often depleted of essential vitamins and minerals due to how it's grown or processed. While a healthy diet is essential, you may still need supplements to receive all of the nutrients your body craves. You may be deficient in iron, vitamin D, or magnesium since it's very common to not get enough of these due to the typical American lifestyle. Not having enough iron can make you feel sluggish and give you brain fog. Lack of vitamin D has even been linked to depression. Not enough magnesium can mess with your sleep cycle or cause you digestive issues. Simply adding these nutrients to your diet through supplements can make a major difference in how you feel.

Lack of Sleep

If you brag about living on four hours of sleep a night, your health is likely suffering. No matter what you think, science proves that quality sleep for at least eight hours a night is essential to your physical and emotional health. Without the right amount of sleep, your immune system will be compromised. This leaves you vulnerable to illnesses that your body won't have the resources to fight off well.

Imbalanced Energy

If you have ever felt like your energy wasn't centered, then you know how profoundly that drains your entire being. Experts suggest that both the body and mind are affected by chakra. The energy that is out of balance and negative can affect everything from your metabolism to your thyroid function, resulting in a variety of health problems. Balancing your energy through affirmations, meditation, and proper energy intake and release is important if you want to experience overall good health.


It isn't bad to be alone with your thoughts or to retreat so you can get centered. However, if you live in isolation for too long, your health will suffer. We are social creatures and crave quality relationships with people we love. That's why you are more likely to be depressed, anxious, and suffer from a compromised immune system if you don't prioritize quality relationships. Remember that face-to-face interactions are the best. While social media has its place, it's not the cure for health problems related to loneliness.

Your health is affected by so many factors in your life. From lack of nutrition and sleep to an imbalance in your energy and social isolation-it may seem overwhelming just how many things can affect your health. Because of this, it's important to approach your wellbeing holistically and live the fullest life possible.

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