Do you know what is web metrics? Web metrics are the numbers, which tell you about the performance of your website, web analytics, and the return on marketing dollars. The most popular tool to measure web metrics is Google Analytics. Using this software, you can know how well your website is performing and what the real numbers are.
Checking these web metrics is an important step in analysing whether or not, your website is producing the results that you intend to achieve from it. Today you can find a multitude of metrics, some being too simplistic, while others being complex. These metrics help in measuring the true web performance. The different metrics serve a particular purpose to keep a tab on the performance of your website. Here, in this article, we are listing out a few of these web metrics and detailing you on exactly do these measures.

It is an important web metric, which is used to analyse if the visitors who come to your website click on what you intend them to click or if they are clicking on something else. Robert, a website manager, for TrumpLearning, says that he uses the click-density tool to look through the different segments of the website examine what the customers are doing. This means that if the traffic is segmented, one knows what every segment is doing when they get to the respective web pages. For instance, in this analysis, you might just note that the traffic which comes to your website via Google is taking different actions from the traffic which is coming to you via Instagram.
Visitor primary purposeUsually, the reason why webmasters take a look at the page views is to see the number of visitors who visit their web pages. With the page views, you can certainly find the number of times a particular web page was loaded. However, it wouldn't give you any information as to why this web page was loaded. This can be known by starting an easy survey on the page, which is most visited by the people. In there, you can ask why they visited this page, and what is it that they like or dislike about your website.
With this information, it can get easier for you to provide the information that caters to the maximum visitors coming to your website or sell the products, which most visitors cherish. The knowledge of why a particular visitor visits your website will help you make the website more user-centric.
See, the common drawback of not having the website user-centric is that you might be trying to sell something, but if you do not know what the customer needs, how are you even going to get the requisite sales? Kylie, an online expert who offers assignment help at TFTH, says that she has a website of her own, where she has put up a survey of the subjects for which the students need help, and then she tries to provide them with what they need.
However, there's one common problem with surveys. If studies are to be believed, the more questions you ask your visitors, the lesser would be the orders you get. So, be limited in the type of questions you ask your visitors.
Task-completion ratesWith this metric tool, you can find out if the visitor actually did undertake an action to complete the task that is present on the web page. For instance, a visitor came to the website, visited the FAQ section, and then clicked on a particular web link to browse through an article.
With this knowledge, you know that the content is rightly placed on the web pages, and all the web pages are working fine. One important aspect that can be measured via the task-completion rate is the shopping cart abandonment rate. Using this information, you can find out how many people left the cart mid-way before placing an order.
Using this information, you can send out reminders, exclusive discounts, or deals to persuade the customer to finish the sales. Natasha, an expert who offers online accounting homework services at TAE, says that she regularly uses this tool to know the number of students who add her services to the cart, but do not finish their order.
Multi-channel impact analysisHarry, an executive with EduWorldUSA, says that he uses the multi-channel impact analysis to analyse the traffic generated via different channels, such as print ads, TV, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, or radio. It helps to examine which channels are working the best, and which channel isn't. In case a particular channel is bringing in a lot of sales, you can make it even better to double the number. On the other hand, if a particular channel is not fetching you any rewards, you can either improve your efforts or stop your investment in that channel.