Let's face it. The earth is in great danger. Nature is losing its original beauty and it's all because of our own doing. We are destroying our own home with all our modern technological advancements. If we don't do anything to help restore the beauty of our environment, then time will come when we would eat the bitter fruit of our actions.
The earth is groaning from all our misbehaviour. She is like a mother who is suffering from the torments of her abusive children. Who will save her from the brink of destruction?
You can help save our groaning mother earth. Starting with your own home, you can restore the original beauty of the environment. You can start by turning your house into an eco - friendly home.

Consider earth, wind, fire and water. These are the four (4) basic elements in our environment. These also are the four (4) aspects you need to consider for your eco-friendly home. You can try the following 4 eco-friendly tips below to renovate your home.
- Reduce energy consumption with proper insulation. - The Australian government suggests that very little energy is needed to make a comfortable home. All you need is the appropriate insulation. You don't really need much equipment for heating and cooling if you have the proper insulation for your home.
- Use energy efficient windows. - Ordinary windows can either be a source of unwanted heat or the cause of its significant loss. You need energy efficient windows to make your home comfortable and environmentally friendly. You can try replacing your windows with double-glazed windows that have a high WERS rating.
- Install a water tank that meets plumbing standards. - Water is essential to the environment. To conserve water, you can reduce your water consumption by using water tanks that meet with plumbing standards. Consider using recycled water when landscaping. You can also try having plants that don't need much water to survive.
- Use environment-friendly paint on your walls. - This will not only make your house eco-friendly. It will also protect you and your family from potential health hazards caused by harmful chemical compounds commonly found in paints. Make sure to use paints that don't contain these harmful chemicals.
Turning your house into an eco - friendly home does not only support the environmental advocacy. It is also helpful to the economy. If you try all these eco - friendly tips to renovate your home, then you will soon realize how much you have cut the cost on your utility bills. Renovating for the environment does not only help save Mother Earth. It can also save our lives.

This is an advice from the Australian government. Heating and cooling are the largest energy consumers in most Australian homes. If you can afford to redesign your home so that it reduces the need for heating, then by all means use that option. It is better to spend your money on an energy efficient building than on heating and cooling. Although some homes may find high efficiency heating and cooling technologies more economical than having major home renovations.
So the secret to having a comfortable, environment-friendly home is energy. If you can reduce the energy consumption in your home, then you are already contributing to the restoration of the environment. You don't really need to use up much energy to make a comfortable home. Instead, you can even use the natural elements in the environment to make your home a better place to live in. You can design your home so that it supports the natural flow of the environment. You can make your house an eco-friendly home.
Author: Mark Brandon
Your Handy Dandy Guy and an experienced DIY builder in home renovation, and home inspection. Everytime he gets the chance to learn something new, he shares this online through blogs. You may catch him on Twitter: @DIYMarkBrandon