Food & Drink Magazine

4 Benefits to Buying a Rug for Your Living Room

By Marialiberati

No matter what type of floor you have in your living room, you will likely benefit from adding a rug. Rugs provide texture, color and a certain amount of protection to any home. Here are a few reasons to invest in a rug for your living room.

Change of Color

An easy way to add a splash of color is simply to add a rug to your living room. Use it to pull in colors from curtains, drapes or other decorative items in the room. You can also choose a pattern that enhances an otherwise monotone design. Rugs are easier to add and take out than most items in a home. With relatively little effort, you can use them to change up a color scheme you no longer want.

Floor Protection

Whether your rug is going over carpet, hardwood or tile, it can protect your flooring from stains and other damage. Placing a pad beneath your rug will keep it from moving around and add even more protection for your floor. Rugs can be cleaned or replaced more easily than flooring, so it makes sense to employ them as protective barriers in one of your most heavily used rooms. They can also keep furniture from tearing or cutting through your living room floor.

Noise Reduction

If you want a quieter room, add a rug. Experts claim that rugs dampen sound. Since most social activity and entertainment takes place in the living room, it makes sense to add an element that can help lessen some of the noise. Pads that go beneath these rugs also offer sound absorption that can help lessen noise pollution. Since too much noise can make a room unpleasant, this is a simple way to make a big difference in the ambiance and feel of your home.

Room Grounding

A rug that is big enough for the legs of furniture to sit on top of it offers a grounding or centered aspect to a room. It pulls together the rooms design and provides a central focal point. Those who subscribe to feng shui also believe that rugs help the energy in a room. A room with bare floors is said to encourage a fast movement of energy, while a room with a large rug allows the energy to slow down. If you apply this to how you want to feel in your living room, it's easy to see that a rug will make the area a better place to unwind.

Rugs are great assets to living rooms because of the benefits they offer. They can be a great addition to your decor and help protect your flooring. Choose the right one for your space.

For more home decor tips, read on here
Benefits Buying Your Living Room
4 Benefits to Buying a Rug for Your Living Room
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