3D Parallax Backgroundplay.google.com.parallaxwallpaper
Give your background a real 3D depth feeling.
Unlike other live wallpapers which just move the background – this live wallpaper combines movement and rotation of the background to give the best illusion experience – exactly as featured on IOS7.
Compare and see the difference for yourself.
- fully 3D OpenGL environment
- unique feature of rotating background to match your device’s rotation in all axis
- use your own custom image or choose from included backgrounds set
- smooth and battery efficent
- configure the levels of depth effect
Should you have any issues with the wallpaper please write to [email protected] and we will provide you with support. If the app crashes while setting your own background please write to us saying which device experienced this issue.
READ/WRITE EXTERNAL STORAGE permission is being used for choosing own backgrounds.
What’s in this version :(Updated : 27 November 2016)- 1.34
– added new improved camera auto-move mode
– added camera slide out effect on unlock
– improved alpha blending to remove far borders in opacity
– reduced apk size
– battery usage optimisations
– bugfixes

Download : 20M APK