Lifestyle Magazine

365 Days of Love: A Beautiful Wedding Gift Idea

By Weddingblog2011

Are you looking for an outstanding wedding gift for your spouse? This one is incredibly touching, and your spouse will have something to open every single day for a year. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A small wooden or plastic chest
  • Origami paper (at least 365 sheets)
  • A pen

365 Days of Love Notes

That’s all it takes to create this special gift. Now, here’s where the hard part comes in. Write down 365 reasons why you married your spouse, one on each piece of origami paper. It may be a little difficult, because let’s face it: no matter how great someone is, it’s difficult to think of more than 300 reasons you love them. However, you can add little things that made you love them even more. Here are a few examples:

  • “Because you made me breakfast in bed.”
  • “Because of the way your eyes look in the sunlight.”
  • “Because of your passion when you play the piano.”

These are just a few examples, but make sure they’re all little things that you absolutely love about your spouse. When you’re finished writing them, fold the paper up and place it into the chest. Using a Sharpie marker, write on the lid of the chest so your spouse knows how the gift works. It could be something like this:

“This chest contains 365 reasons I married you! Read one each day and when you’ve read the last one, we’ll be celebrating our 1st anniversary!”

This is a touching and sweet gift that your spouse will really love, and it highlights all the special things that make them wonderful to you!

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