f30 Spectacular Ways to Prevent Earth Pollution That is Destroying Our Planet Earth
Earth pollution collectively defines all kinds of pollution that are destroying planet Earth, especially those arising from human activities. The contamination of the water bodies, soils, and the atmosphere among other natural ecosystems and habits is the leading cause of earth pollution. The exploitation of natural resources at a faster rate than nature can restore itself is also another contributing factor.
The various forms of pollution resulting from different types of earth contamination include water pollution, industrial pollution, landfill pollution, ocean pollution, bioenergy and biofuels pollution, solid waste disposal, nuclear pollution, and plastic pollution just to mention a few. To manage earth pollution, therefore, it is necessary to establish proper conservation and management measures.
The measures can be as simple as reusing a product as many times as possible to reduce overall waste that goes into the environment. Other measures can include recycling, proper disposal of wastes, proper farming practices, and use of renewable energy sources. Here are 30 spectacular ways to prevent earth pollution.
30 Fantastic Ways to Prevent Earth Pollution
1. Recycling
It is the process where waste or obsolete materials are processed and converted into new reusable materials. It is considered as an alternative method to conventional waste disposal methods. It has benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and assist in saving potentially useful materials.
This is because it reduces the need for fresh raw materials, ensuring there is conservation of energy and water and limits air pollution associated with the processing and transportation of virgin materials and finished products respectively. Some of the recyclable materials include metal, tires, paper, electronics, textiles, and plastics.
2. Reusing
This is the practice of using something again either for its conventional reuse or for another different function. As opposed to recycling, it does not involve the breaking down or reprocessing of materials. It saves money, energy, resources and time. An example is the use of milk bottles, glass mugs, tire retreading, reusable plastic boxes, and the corrugated fiberboard boxes.
3. Phytoremediation
Phytoremediation is a technology whereby living plants together with the associated microorganisms are used in cleaning up contaminated soil, water, and air. This method is combined with other agronomic and soil amendments techniques to remove the toxic or environmental contaminants.
It is a cost-effective method which uses the idea of plants’ ability to concentrate elements from the environment and metabolize some molecules in their own tissues. Such plants are called hyperaccumulators and they bioaccumulate, degrade and later render the contaminants harmless.
4. Industrial wastewater treatment
Industries are among the biggest contributors to earth pollution. They use lands and water sources as their main dumping sites which leads to accumulation of toxic materials in both soil and water. Furthermore, some industries emit toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide into the environment leading to air pollution and acid rains.
Industrial wastewater treatment is a method of treating wastewater from industries. The treatment is done with the aim of reusing the water or releasing it into sewer systems or water bodies for a further natural breakdown. Some of the industrial wastewater treatment methods range from API oil-water separation, powdered activated carbon treatment, use of biofilter, and ultrafiltration to Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF).
5. Use of the scrubber system
Srubbler systems are devices that control air pollution and are used in the removal of chemical particulates and toxic gases from the industrial chimney streams. They were traditionally installed to remove carbon dioxide but with time, they have evolved and been redesigned to absorb acidic gases. They are also convenient in heat recovery emanating from hot gases through the process of flue-gas condensation. Scrubber systems include the baffle spray, cyclonic spray, mechanically aided, and ejector venturi scrubbers.
6. Use of the thermal oxidizer in chemical manufacturing plants
Chemical plants release toxic gases as a result of the chemical reactions in the manufacturing processes. In curbing this kind of pollution, it can be controlled by subjecting the hazardous gases to high temperatures, which breaks them down before being released into the environment.
7. Offsetting environmental impacts
It involves offsetting the environmental impacts of natural resources such as rivers, oceans, forests, and lakes. When a natural resource is destroyed, the organizations responsible must purchase credits or compensate for the damages to restore the natural resources.
8. Environmental audit
In ensuring manufacturing processes and production plants do not cause adverse effects on the environment; businesses and manufacturing plants are required to submit Environmental Statements that indicate their polluting units. The measures aim to ensure clear air, urban air quality, clean water systems, and pollution-free lands.
9. Waste minimization and cleaner production
This strategy can be adopted by both small and large scale industries to minimize industrial pollution through the use of cleaner and efficient production practices. It is based on the principle of continuous improvement, reducing emission, increasing efficiency of production, and waste reduction.
10. Environmental mapping and statistics
It is a sound environmental management strategy which involves the use of reliable information and the mapping of areas that need special attention in pollution control and prevention.
11. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
It is a management tool used in environmental conservation decision making and provides vital information on the impacts of various manufacturing processes and finished products on the environment.
12. The practice of tree planting
Trees reduce the speed of surface runoff and as a result, reduce the erosion and the washing away of the contaminants into water bodies. Trees are also carbon sinks and can, therefore, assist in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment that cause global warming and climate change.
13. Minimize the use of vehicles and planes
One of the leading air polluters on earth are vehicles and planes. They release high amounts of gasoline fumes which contain pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter. When their use is reduced by considering other travel options and fuel alternatives such as electric trains, reducing travel trips, biking or walking, and electric vehicles; air pollution can be reduced significantly.
14. disposal of oils, fats, and grease
Cooking oil, grease or fats should be collected and later properly discarded as a solid waste rather than being discarding it into the sink where it contributes to water pollution.
15. Use of unleaded gasoline
Lead is a highly toxic substance which can lead to contamination of soil and water sources. Unleaded gasoline would curb the effects of pollution.
16. Proper disposal of medications among other household chemical products such as insecticides and paints
Such substances contain high levels of toxic substances and should not be flushed down the drain or disposed of anyhow. Proper disposal methods are necessary when discarding used medications and other mentioned household chemical products.
17. Use of the toilet appropriately
Some people have a tendency of disposing of wastes such as synthetic materials, wrappers, paper wastes, mothballs, and bleaching products in the toilet. Such wastes contain toxic substances that might end up in the water sources. Therefore, proper usage of toilets can aid in reducing water pollution.
18. Minimal use of detergents and bleach
Bleach and detergents used in the cleaning of laundry are toxic to the environment and for this reason, there is a need to minimize their usage. Phosphate-free detergents are more environmentally friendly and should hence be considered an ideal replacement for the conventional detergents.
19. Reduction in the usage of non-organic farm inputs
Use of excessive farm inputs such as artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides can lead to soil contamination and water pollution as these chemicals are retained in the soil and later find their way into rivers and lakes through soil infiltration and surface runoff. Instead, farmers should use organic methods for weed, disease and pest control to reduce both soil and water pollution at a global scale.
20. Sewage treatment and management
The best way to limit the number of toxic wastes discharged into water sources from sewage plants is the proper treatment. Homes using septic tanks or the cellar drains should also ensure that they have proper management strategies of the sewage to avoid contaminating groundwater systems.
21. Stop smoking
Cigarettes are not only harmful to an individual’s health but they also pollute the environment. The cigarette butts are non-biodegradable and contain chemicals such as arsenic, acetone, formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, cadmium, toluene and lead. A cigarette butt can leak these chemicals into the natural environment for up to 25 years.
22. Maintaining your vehicle and keeping it in good condition
Well maintained vehicles have no oil leakages and are quite fuel efficient thereby reducing the overall earth pollution. If disposal of the vehicle’s obsolete parts has to be done, it should be according to set regulations of dismantling, processing, and recycling.
23. Supporting organizations that advocate for conservation efforts
People should support those companies that have projects aimed at reducing earth pollution such as those using recycled products.
24. Conservation of energy and use of renewables
Use of energy-saving machines and energy efficient bulbs is a means of increasing environmental sustainability and reducing environmental pollution and degradation. The exploitation of renewable energy options such as wind and solar power can also go a long way in limiting earth pollution owing to the fact that electricity production is the main contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
25. Avoid plastic use
Plastic bottles, plates, and bags are non-biodegradable and a major environmental pollutant. They also destroy aquatic life.
26. The use of designated disposal areas of electronics, motor oil, and antifreeze
These products should be dumped in designated collection points where they can be collected for recycling or proper disposal.
27. Involving the local authority
In case of improper practices in terms of waste disposal by companies or industries, people should take the initiative of informing the relevant local authorities.
28. Use of water-efficient household appliances
Dishwashers, toilets, washing machines, and shower heads consume a lot of water. Use of appliances that are water-efficient can save millions of liters of water that would have been wasted.
29. Environmental cleaning activities
Participating in projects that involve cleaning the surrounding environment such as around the beach or polluted rivers is a means of controlling pollution.
30. Making donations
Monetary contributions and donations to environmental protection organizations is also a means of contributing to the conservation and the management of the natural environment.