For the next week (and hopefully longer) I’ve decided to commit myself to 30 minutes of cardio a day. Where did this “30 minutes” come from? On Sunday, I set out to run 3 miles, but about 2.5 miles in, I decided to push myself to run to 30 minutes instead, knocking out 3.4 miles total. The next day, I wasn’t really feeling like working out after running 5 miles Saturday and 3.4 miles Sunday, but I decided, “I can knock out 30 minutes and be done.” So ya know what? I did.
Sometimes when I’m working out at the gym, I tell myself I’ll only do 30 minutes (to help get my butt off the couch), but end up getting extra motivated and work out longer. Unfortunately, when I have longer cardio workouts, I am pretty unmotivated to work out the next day. So this week, I decided to commit myself to just 30 minutes of cardio each day. What if I’m feeling extra motivated? Then the time over 30 minutes will be spent strength training–something I definitely need to do more of. This won’t apply for Wednesday, where I run with a group and the routes vary from 3-6 miles and on Saturdays, when I do a longer run.
I really feel like engaging in 30 minutes of cardio everyday will make me feel upbeat and positive, which is my main motivation for completing this task. Also, it’ll motivate me to get off my butt, which is always good. I’m hoping that the fact that I’m in workout clothes and have energy will also push me to do some leg, arm, or ab workouts at the end. If I don’t get motivated, then so what, I at least got my heart rate up for 30 minutes, which is better than nothing.
Another reason I’m trying this out is to control post-workout food splurges. Whenever I workout for an extended period of time or go for a run, I tend to eat more after not necessarily because I’m hungry, but because I feel that I can consume the extra calories without causing any damage, or because I feel like I need to eat to restore some energy. Although the latter is probably true, I think listening to your body is even more true. Not going to lie–I’m not the best intuitive eater. I feel like if I make a goal to work out a little every day, then I’ll be less likely to let myself indulge for no apparent reason–hopefully leading to intuitive eating!
Wish me luck and let’s see how long I can last!
How much cardio do you do a week?
Any exercise goals on your agenda?
Tagged: cardio, exercise, Fitness, healthy, healthy living