Self Expression Magazine

30 Day Challenge: Day's 9, 10 and 11

By Teapotshortage @Teapotshortage
In light of Paypal Fraud, Assignments and, well, more interesting post topics than myself, I have fallen significantly behind in my 30 day challenge. I endeavour to catch up...
30 Day Challenge: Day's 9, 10 and 11
Day 9
People talking loudly on phones on buses. Riding backwards on public transport. Cancelling plans last minute without good reason. Taking DVDs out of their cases, disposing of their cases and storing them in boxes/CD Wallets. Late buses... slow late buses. So basically; Anything related to Transport
Day 10
Roast Potatoes and Cranberry Juice
Day 11
"Youth is wasted on the young" - not the most eloquent of quotes but boy do I believe it.

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