
30 Best Sci-Fi Movies of All Time

Posted on the 28 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

30 Best Sci-Fi Movies of All Time


When it comes to great films, there is no genre of film as infinitely creative or original as science fiction - especially when you consider how vast the subject of science fiction is. In fact, just like survival movies and end-of-the-world movies, there really isn't much that the science fiction genre hasn't explored on screen before. (Think of aliens and space, time travel, technology, artificial intelligence - you name it!) To honor this much loved genre that has produced many spectacular and mind-blowing films, we have gathered some of the best sci-movies to date, ranging from iconic classics like 2001: A space odyssey to new modern favorites such as The matrix and Start.

Of course, the great thing about science fiction is that there really is something on the list for everyone: from exhilarating action movies and thrilling horror-thriller hybrids, to even romantic movies. that establish a poignant love story against a futuristic setting. Whatever the particular subject, however, one of these sci-fi movies will be a great choice for a truly exciting and impressive watch - and it will certainly make you think, marvel, and marvel at the mere possibilities of life.

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Ex Machina (2014)

For fans of brain thrillers on artificial intelligence (as well as intelligent and steel anti-heroines), this intriguing and visually stunning film tells the story of a programmer who chose to participate in a designed Turing test to determine the capabilities of a robot named Ava (Alicia Vikander) - only to find that the robot is much more self-aware than anyone ever imagined.


The Matrix (1999)

There is a reason why The matrix is considered one of the most influential contemporary films in the genre of science fiction. In addition to being a film unlike anything anyone had seen before when it was released (thanks to cutting-edge technology and stunning digital effects), this iconic 90s film blends everything you can imagine: kung fu, action, virtual reality (even Keanu Reeves!).


Back to the future (1985)

As one of the most iconic time travel movies to date, Steven spielberg Back to the future still persists today as a classic sci-fi film, after the time adventures of high school student Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) and quirky scientist Doc (Christopher Lloyd) when they are accidentally zapped thirty years early. '80s.


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Interstellar (2014)

Interstellar sees director Christopher Nolan return with another epic sci-fi four years later Start, grabbing the viewers again with yet another captivating and breathtaking story - but this time on futuristic space exploration, as a group of astronauts (including Matthew McConaughey) embark on a dangerous mission of traveling through a wormhole in search of 'a new home for humanity.


Looper (2012)

For fans of action and thought-provoking time travel tips, Looper provides the two elements for this exciting science fiction film that follows a hired hitman called a "looper" (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis), whose job is to assassinate targets by throwing them back into the past - up to 'that the looper himself must be killed in the same way in order to "close the loop".


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The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Wall-E (2008)

In this imaginative animated film, a lonely robot named Wall-E spends his days tidying up a ravaged Earth that humans were forced into hundreds of years ago - until he meets another robot with mission to spot a new life on the planet. Charming and entertaining because it is a source of reflection, Pixar's Wall-E is proof that animated films for children can take science fiction with a masterful objective like everything.


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Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Snowpiercer (2014)

Six years before receiving critical acclaim for Parasite, South Korean director Bong Joon Ho dazzled the world of cinema with an epic sci-fi action, plunging viewers into a post-apocalyptic future in which the last people of humanity live in a train covering the world called "Snowpiercer "- until a lower class passenger (Chris Evans) leads a revolution against the elite.


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The Thing (1982)

It may be a remake of the 1951 film The thing of another world, but this more recent horror science fiction hybrid film offers a new - and even more frightening - look at the story of a group of American researchers who encounter a parasitic extraterrestrial life form in Antarctica. Despite the initial publication of negative reviews, The thing has since been re-evaluated as one of the greatest sci-fi horror movies ever made.


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Hannah Jeon
Editorial researcher
Hannah is a member of the editorial staff of Good Housekeeping, where she enjoys covering the home, health, entertainment and other lifestyle content.

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