Family Magazine

3 Years

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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Today is a day of reflection for me. Reflection and celebration. My youngest turns 3 today. So a lot of our day has consisted of I was doing this 3 years ago today at this time. She wasn’t supposed to be born today, but one thing is for sure, she has always had a mind of her own. To this day she has a mind of her own.

Since I usually do a list of interesting facts about my kids on their birthday I thought I would do the same for her. However, normally I limit it to the number of things as their age. Well, 3 just doesn’t seem like enough so I think I’ll go with the number she says her age it…

6 Things About My 3 Year Old

  1. She tells everyone she’s 6 when they ask her how old she is.  My guess is it’s because her big brother is 6 and she just wants to be the same as him in every way possible, but she even had the math down right.  Over the last few weeks as her birthday approaches I’ve been asking her, “How old are you going to be on your birthday?”  Her response, “6!”  So then I would ask, “How old are you now?”  Her response, “5!” Smart cookie she is.
  2. She absolutely loves monkeys.  Like she literally goes bananas for them.  She has amassed quite the collection of stuffed monkeys too.  I don’t know what exactly got her so interested in monkeys, but cartoon monkeys and real monkeys, it doesn’t matter she loves them all.
  3. She is very independent.  She insists on doing most things by herself.  And watch out if you don’t let her because you are in a hurry.  She lets you know she’s not happy with you.
  4. She is extremely expressive.  She always has been.  Even though she hasn’t always been able to tell you what she’s feeling or you might not be able to understand what she’s saying, her face really just says it all.
  5. She’s a girly girl, but don’t let her fool you because she can rough and tumble with the boys as well.  One of her favorite things is playing with her brother’s Army men and his cars.
  6. She is very cuddly.  She loves to snuggle in and she gives really great hugs and kisses.

And that’s my newly turned 3 year old.  She is truly something special.  And I have so enjoyed celebrating with my little monkey today.

Happy 3rd birthday baby girl!

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