Lifestyle Magazine

3 Ways to Avoid Becoming Bridezilla

By Weddingblog2011

Every bride wants a wonderful wedding, but the last thing you want to do is become a snarling, frustrated, scary version of yourself. Wedding planning can take a lot out of you, so follow these tips to avoid becoming a bridezilla.

1. Let Go of Perfect

The first thing you need to do is let go of the idea of "perfect." Nothing is perfect, and chances are, no matter how much you try to control every situation, something will go awry. Instead, aim for "the best day possible." As long as you're handling things well in advance and making your expectations clear, things should work out well.

2. Take Time Off

When you're trying to get a wedding together, it can often feel like that's all you think about. You're either shopping for the wedding or creating seating charts, thinking about food or worrying about RSVPs. Sometimes, you just need to step back and get away from the wedding planning. Have a girl's night out that's free of wedding talk or spend a day doing your favorite non-wedding hobby, like reading or watching old movies. Getting away from it for a while can help you clear your head and stay sane.

3 Ways to Avoid Becoming Bridezilla
3. Rely on Others

Instead of trying to handle everything yourself, choose a few amazing friends or family members that you really trust. Rely on them to help you, whether it's booking vendors, creating play lists or shopping for needed items. This can take a lot off of your shoulders, and your family and friends are more than likely very excited to help.

3 Ways to Avoid Becoming Bridezilla

By realizing that nothing is perfect, taking time away from the wedding planning and getting some much-deserved help, you can avoid becoming a bridezilla and scaring off your wedding party!

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