Lifestyle Magazine

3 Ways My 1 Year Old Loves The Water

By Cait @caitscozycorner
“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for SwimWays. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”
3 Ways My 1 Year Old Loves The Water3 Ways My 1 Year Old Loves The WaterOh hurray summer! I don't know about you but I love when the warm weather comes around, the sunshine hits your fact and there is always a cool breeze blowing. Summer means relaxing, care free and spending endless hour outside with my family. We are so excited for this particular summer because Landon, whose already just shy of a year, is really loving the water! Of course, we had to get him involved in our swimming activities for the next few months but wanted an easy way to transition him from a small kid pool to a larger pool.
While traveling a few months ago, my in laws an I all brought our kids to local pool. I was a little hesitant to have Landon join us in all the kids swimming because the pool wasn't a walk in area for him. Luckily, I had remembered I brought my SwimWays Spring Float with us! Landon couldn't have loved it more and I felt safe with him near me getting used to the water.
3 Ways My 1 Year Old Loves The WaterLandon loved being in the float! At times, he even seemed so comfortable that his eyes were getting heavy and we played and moved around the water together. The Baby Spring Float With Canopy is not at all scratchy or made with those powerful plastic fumes like other baby floats have. It's actually extremely durable and comfortable, plus it's completely safe for your baby as they are placed in the center of the float so gravity doesn't pull them forward.
3 Ways My 1 Year Old Loves The Water It also has safety valves and dual air chambers to ensure security.  One of my favorite features is  the canopy because you can adjust it or remove it for any added shade. It really helps to keep the sun off of Landon's face as well as some splashing from his older sister and cousins! So how can you keep your little one's enjoying the water?
1. Let Them Enjoy Bath Time - I used to want to get my kids in and out of the bath as soon as possible but lately I've realized that that more time the spend in the water, the more comfortable they'll feel when it comes to the pool.
2. Go Together - My mom had my sister and I in the pool as a young age because she herself had her own fear. I always commend her for that and wanted to also install that in my own children. If I continue to show them how fun the pool water is, they'll see that there isn't anything to be afraid of.
3. Use Safe Pool Equipment - Having our float with us really allowed Landon to get used to the water on his own time instead of me holding him. He was free but he felt safe within the float and once he took a few minutes to get used to his new surroundings, he was loving it! Of course, being near by at all times is key.
3 Ways My 1 Year Old Loves The WaterSwimWays created the Swim Steps line of products to help children become confident swimmers. Their number one concern is safety, believing that swimming is an important life skill that all children should have the opportunity to learn to swim. The Fifth Annual National Learn to Swim Day is on May. This day is designed to remind parents and guardians to kick off summer safely by engaging their children in water safety and swim instructions.
How are you educating the importance of swimming to your children?
3 Ways My 1 Year Old Loves The Water
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