Books Magazine

3 Things That Kept Me Away From Blogging

By Bookaholic @BookReflections
Confession time! I've been the worst book blogger slacker for the last few months and I can explain...
1.  Reading
I've mentioned this before.  I can't read and blog at the same time.  Usually I schedule two weeks of content then I read while posts automatically post.  Well I've been reading without gaps lately.  Though, I admit that I'm not reading any more than I usually do.  In fact, I've read fewer books this year.  Sadly, the biggest reason for my decline in posts are the reasons below.
3 Things That Kept Me Away From Blogging 2.  Fantasy Football
This is my first year every playing fantasy football and I'm so addicted.  This is why I could never try crack.  I have an addictive personality.  If I tried crack, I probably wouldn't be able to stop and that would be bad.
I'm also competitive.  So when I lost the first two weeks of the fantasy football season, I found myself reading every single article, watching every single game, and essentially researching EVERYTHING.  These next two weeks are the fantasy football Championships so this addiction will finally be over.  I might add that I am the number one seed and in the Championship game.  All the guys in my league are bewildered but I have to say that being a reader comes handy even in fantasy football.
3 Things That Kept Me Away From Blogging
3 Things That Kept Me Away From Blogging
3.  I Create Blog Posts in My Head
Lately, my laziness has reached new bounds.  I read comments and respond in my head.  Sure the person who leaves the comment doesn't get to see my reply.  And sure it looks like I'm not responding at all.  Sure it's the lazies thing ever.  To make matters worse, I've begun to create blog posts in my head.  So I've managed to get lazier than lazy.  No one can read my imaginary blog posts and I don't even remember what they are most of the time.  Yet, I continue to manage my blog this way.  In my head, I've created an awesome blog post titled "Authors Who Boggle My Mind."  It's a good one.  It includes authors like Janet Evanovich, Melissa Marr, and Maggie Stiefvater.  Best post of the year.  Maybe one day someone will get to read it.
3 Things That Kept Me Away From Blogging
It's okay to judge me.

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