Fashion Magazine

3 Things for Him: Valentine’s Edition

By Kena @campchic

FASHION: Red ShoesOk fell-loves, red shoes are the hottest ticket for your feet right now. While in New York City for the holidays I spotted many handsome gentlemen sporting the ruby-colored shoe. The men in Cali are also following this hip trend. My tip would be to snap up a pair of red shoes in a shoe style of your choice. Here are a few ways on how to rock it!


FOOD: Preztel Snaps - It’s almost V-Day which means its time for you to gift your Boo, Love, Snookums or Lady friend with something sweet. Here’s a simple and AH-mazing treat that you can whip up in less than 5 minutes. This delicious chocolatey and salty treat will be a welcomed surprise for your lady. Your Boo will be crowning you a “food genius” once again! Heyyyy  (Click Here for the recipe)


TECHNOLOGY: Blow a Kiss - Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Hershey Kiss and Walmart have teamed up to create the perfect iPhone app. The “Blow a Kiss” App allows you to send a kiss to anyone your little cupid heart desires. It’s as simple as downloading the app (.99 cents) selecting the kiss graphic, and sending it off to your love’s phone. Caution! Now is not the time to send random kissing messages to your secret crush. You will need to have your crush’s  phone number in order to send the message. And if it’s a secret crush. You wouldn’t have her digits. Right? If you do have her digits. Once has to ask how you got them. Stalker…..much!

blow a kiss

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