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3 Smart Reasons to Convert Your Van Into a Handicap Accessible Vehicle

Posted on the 02 January 2019 by Tom Jamieson @tomjamieson_

According the the US Census Bureau, nearly 1 out of every 5 people in the United States have a disability, and for most of them, converting their van(s) into a handicap accessible vehicle has proven to be a very smart decision. An increasing number of people are now beginning to make their vehicles more handicap-friendly either for themselves or their loved ones.

Handicap modification to your van will provide more floor space for disabled passengers and prevent common injuries associated with constant seat transfers. Wheelchair ramp and lift conversions for your van will also allow you or your loved ones to enter and leave vehicles with less risk of strain, fatigue or injury. There are many potential fatal issues that disabled people face when entering and exiting vehicles such as slipping and falling, and converting to a handicap accessible vehicle will provide many safety benefits for you or your loved ones. Some of them are:

1) Parking will become much more convenient

In a 2004 survey administered by the National Organization on Disability ( NOD), over half of all respondents said that transportation issues were a major problem for them. Placing handicap placards on your vehicle(s) will help solve this problem by giving you access to better parking lot areas that will be closer to your final destination. This will also allow disabled persons to park in other spaces such as public disability parking areas that are usually marked with blue paint on the curb.

2) Protection from harmful slips and falls

Converting your van into a handicap accessible vehicle will allow you or your loved ones to enjoy the freedom of being able to safely move in, around and out of vehicles. This will greatly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries during trips to the grocery store, medical appointments or during vacations. It will also reduce the risk of injury from having to carry and transport objects, as the ramp and wheelchair lift can also be used to load and unload luggage and goods.

3) Less pain and fatigue caused from seat transfers

As many disabled persons will tell you, there is a lot of pain and fatigue caused by frequent seat transfers. However, vans with handicap accessibility will allow you easily move around in the vehicle and assume the driver or passenger position with little to no risk of injury. You will finally have the freedom to access your vehicle without stress of injuring or severely hurting yourself!

If you or someone you know is disabled or permanently confined to a wheelchair, it's important that you take the proper steps needed to ensure that your vehicles are properly equipped with handicap accessible features. Take the time to research your options to determine if the decision is right for you. But remember, you should always put your safety and security first.

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