
3 Secret Wars People Are Fighting in America Against Known Enemies

Posted on the 28 October 2020 by Aamritri

3 Secret Wars People are Fighting in America Against Known Enemies

Read about Wars which American Patriots and common people are fighting in America. How upcoming elections are important to win these wars?


The army is an essential part of every country to defend against enemies. But these soldiers are trained to fight wars outside the country or defend against enemies on the border. Unfortunately, there are some wars every country is fighting where the regular army cant participate. Patriots, common people are fighting this war against powerful enemies inside the country.
Everyone knows everything about enemies but unable to do anything most of the time. The world's most powerful nation America is also not safe from these enemies destroying everything from inside. They are most dangerous for America compare to external threats like China.
Below is a list of 3 wars in which ordinary people & patriots are fighting against known enemies. Unfortunately, most people dont understand what is happening to them. Patriots and other loyal people to America are warning them to wakeup, help them win these wars. These wars are shortlisted from too many different small wars to prove a point.
Upcoming elections are crucial because, for the first time in American history, someone powerful like Trump is fighting from Patriot or people's side. In other words, he is leading this war against corruption, Endless wars, and also Racism. But enemies are potent supporting Biden on all levels to stop Trump from winning.

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Details of Secret Wars People are Fighting in America

1- Corruption

Corruption already spreads on every level in America. It's a war between corrupt mafia and ordinary people who pay their taxes. Most of the money is stolen from the American treasury by these corrupt leaders and fills their banks. You can understand the level of corruption with just a straightforward example.
America spends over 2 trillion dollars in Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban, who considers themself freedom fighters. How many people believe that all money was spent on this mission in the last 20 years? Taliban are more powerful in Afghanistan compare to their Gov before the American invasion after 9/11. Obama scandals are very popular to prove his corruption on all levels.
America is losing billions of dollars because of the corruption war on Gov and taxes collected from ordinary people. Unfortunately, no one can do anything about it. People know about Biden's corruption for the last many years and still unable to stop him from running for the presidency. If he wins the upcoming election, it's a complete defeat of patriots or common people in the war against corrupt people.

2- Endless Wars

Selling weapons become the most popular and profitable business these days. But without wars in the world, there is no way to make money from it. Can you imagine who is the top buyer of these weapons? America is using money from people's taxes to purchase these weapons and fight endless wars. Owners of these powerful corporations are making more and more weapons to sell to the American army.

They need endless wars all over the world to earn profit from it. Why there was no war in the last years when these people desperately want it? Trump is the only powerful president standing between endless wars and saving money. Can you believe that America funded Afghanistan Gov for the last 20 years on all levels? Every single department received payment from the taxes of American people.

All patriots and people want to end these wars. Thousands of soldiers are already injured and many of them cant live a normal life anymore. It's another secret war between patriots, people, and Arm selling companies. These people want to start a war to sell their weapons.

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3- Racism

I think everyone in America already knows about Black Life Matters popular as BLM now. You can understand this all process with a simple example. No one care about how many police officers are injured or dead by criminals in the last 20 years. But whenever a single black man is dead because of a police mistake, they started to protest all over America in the name of Racism.

American people are suffering from this war and a lot of criminals taking full advantage of this situation. Now people no longer care about if someone kills a police officer or white American. Black people are not presenting it like they are victims of racism from the last many decades. Racism is a war that American soldiers cant fight within America. It's all between Patriots, Racists, Criminals, and common people.

Patriots like Trump want to take strict action against criminals who use BLM cover to destroy people's property and hurt people. Patriots are fully supporting them. Racists people are spreading hate and involve in violent protests. But common people are just suffering from all sides.

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As you can understand from his article, common people or patriots are losing this war for hundreds of years. Trump is their first and last hope who leads them in front to fight against it. It's happening the first time in history when common people fight these wars with confidence and fully aware of it. Dont forget about Trump's statements about endless wars where he accepted that "they want to continue wars". Echo this post and spread this message everywhere to help everyone understand their enemies.

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