Food & Drink Magazine

3 Recipes for the Perfect Brunch (DIY)

By Themowway @themowway
Guest post by What's for Brunch? Hi Everyone! Many of you ask me to post some recipes over here, as you see on Instagram that I post many photos of food. This weekend I tried to take some photos of what I prepared, but wasn't lucky to get anything nice.. :( So I decided to share with you a the guest post I did lovely Katie and Ben from Chestnut Mocha last year. So, here we go!!!! Guest post by What's for Brunch? Guest post by What's for Brunch? 1) Green pesto and veggie Pizza!!!
Normally I like to bake my own crust, but since we didn' want to wait, we used store bought bases. I am a lover of green pesto, I spread it on almost everything, so I decided to do a colourful pizza by combining pesto and tomato on the base. It added a pop of colout to the dish and it tasted heavenly! We used as toppings what we had in the fridge! Onion, corn, cheese and green beans. Yes! Green beans! They turned out great, nice and crunchy! Guest post by What's for Brunch? 2) Crustless quiche!!!!
We did some changes to this great recipe which we already tried here too. It was perfect, put cooked spinaahs and mushrooms in a pan, sprinkle with greek feta cheese, cover with the beated eggs and top with cheese. We went out for a walk with miss Piglet while the food was in the oven, so when we got home the food was ready to serve. Perfection!!! Guest post by What's for Brunch? 3) Banana, honey and greek yoghurt shake!!!
Just as we were leaving the house I popped two greek yoghurts in the freezer for them to harden lightly. When we got home I mixed them with a very ripe banana we had in the freezer, honey to taste and a few icecubes. Yummy and refreshing!!! Guest post by What's for Brunch?
What are your favorite Brunch recipes?
Please, let us know, I am always looking for new recipes to try!!
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