
3 Must-Haves for a Romantic Valentines Day Dinner At Home

Posted on the 13 January 2021 by Ang L @ALifestyle4

Valentine’s Day is around the corner which means you have a few weeks to plan a romantic date for you and your significant other. Given that Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular days for any restaurant, be sure you make those reservations with ample time. 

Most high-end restaurants tend to be overly busy on this day, they will usually have a three-course meal planned in advance which doesn’t leave you with much choice on your meal options. Between the crowds and the limited menu, it may not seem worth the effort. Why go through all of that when you can plan a quaint romantic dinner for two in your own home? Here are a few items you absolutely must-have for the best Valentine’s Day at home.


3 Items You Should Have for Valentines Day at Home

3 Must-Haves for a Romantic Valentines Day Dinner At Home

Table setting 

The key to a romantic dinner is the presentation. Use special elements from flowers to flatware and table linens just like the restaurants do to transform your table setting. Ditch the paper napkins and use block print linens from August Table to give your dinner a pop of color. 

Since candles are definitely a must, use different candle vase sizes to arrange them in a preferred pattern for your centerpiece. You can also buy some pre-cut rose petals and sprinkle some around the table. Place a candle inside of each and use florals like baby breath to place in between the vases. 

If you own special occasion dinnerware, make sure to take those out and set the table with your dinner and salad plate, your special flatware, and your water goblets, as well as your wine glasses. For a special touch, leave a valentines day card as part of their place setting. 


If you’ve got the means and want to make this dinner a little extra special than a regular dinner at home, hire a chef to come over and make your favorite dishes.

With a chef, you and your partner can spend more time together, starting on appetizers while carrying on a conversation and sipping on wine from that special brand. However, you can make dinner part of the festivities to spend quality time together.

Make sure to consult with your better half on the menu plans so that you have everything ready and prepped. For example, if a recipe calls for some item to marinate, that’s obviously something you’ll want to be sure to do prior to your date. 

After dinner 

Usually, after dinner, couples enjoy going to a theater together. You can easily turn your living room into a comfy area to watch a movie together. Throw a few blankets and pillows on the floor or on the couch, make movie popcorn and any other movie snacks you enjoy together.

If you have access to a hot tub you can also have a romantic dip together while sipping on a bottle of after-dinner wine or champagne and maybe some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. 

The best part about staying in is that you can have intimate moments without worrying about onlookers. Given the current situation, this may be one of the years you can actually get away with spending Valentine’s Day at home so take advantage of it!


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