
3 Ideas to Enhance Intimacy in a Virtual World

Posted on the 23 January 2021 by Shoumya Chowdhury

Maintaining intimacy during the COVID-19 pandemic can be difficult. Many of us are separated by distance. That's true whether you were in a relationship before quarantine, or struck up a new relationship during this time.

But, that doesn't mean there's reason to despair. We've got the top tips on how to improve intimacy in a relationship virtually today.

1. Use Video Conferencing to Your Advantage

Different video conferencing software has really made a splash during this time. Planning virtual dates is a great way to maintain your relationship. You can have movie nights so you can both enjoy your favorite romantic comedy.

If you're both gamers, you can use different video game platforms like Animal Crossing to hang out in person (but virtually). If you're more the reader types, try creating a two-person book club.

You can even use online video chatting for more intimate purposes. You may be missing physical touch, but perhaps your partner can talk you through the experience. You can even use different creams to make the moment more special.

2. Make Plans for the Future

Maintaining our relationships remotely won't last forever. So, why not try and make plans for when it's safe to interact in person again? Plan a nice, long vacation with your loved one. Talk about taking long walks at the beach, or doing some of your other favorite activities.

You can also make plans for the future of your relationship. Talk about where you see yourself after the pandemic, or in a few years, and see what steps you'd like to take moving forward. Perhaps you're both on the same page and would like to move in together in the near future.

Taking this time can really increase your intimacy and help you take your relationship to the next level.

3. Communication is Key

In any relationship, it's important to communicate. This is even more true when trying to maintain intimacy remotely. Make sure that you're actually listening to your partner, and making room for their wants and needs.

Try and make regular times to speak. Ideally, you should be speaking on the phone at least a few times a week. Make you're communicating regularly via text message or other ways, even during particularly busy times.

You can also try some more unusual methods of communication. Everyone loves receiving mail, so why don't you try putting out your thoughts in long-form and sending your partner a nice handwritten letter?

You could even put together a care package of their favorite things to show your partner that you've been thinking about them and want them to enjoy themselves.

How to Improve Intimacy in a Relationship? It Takes Work

Finding the right answer to the question, "how to improve intimacy in a relationship?" can be difficult. Ultimately, it takes hard work and dedication to keep intimacy alive.

Are you interested in reading more about relationship advice and other, related topics? Check out some of the other articles on our site for more information.

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