Suits are one of the most important categories of clothes in menswear. Suits are strongly associated with confidence, masculinity and boldness. Starting from that concept, in recent years there have been crated a series of styles of suits that keep the classic shape of a suit, but go in a different direction. Some are more conceptual and artsy, others are more ethnic or cultural and others go in a fun and quirky direction. Those are the suits we will be looking at in this piece.
Funny suits are, well, fun, they are attractive and they catch attention. Let’s dive right in and discover the best of fun suits, which would definitely go on festive occasions.
Superhero suits

Superhero suits, meaning classic suits with superhero costume prints basically redefine the notion of “power suit”. In a joking and fun way, of course. While we’re absolutely positive these suits have a big audience, it can be quite hard to pin down a setting in which such a suit would appropriate. Except for Comic Con, it’s hard to find an occasion where such a suit would be… suited.
One setting we can think of is people who work in home offices. If you work from home and sometimes feel overwhelmed, putting on a suit might make you feel more business-ready. Put on a superhero suit and you are going to the next level. Who knows, this could work…
Christmas suits

These suits have been around for a while, but they never stop fascinating. Christmas suits are the ultimate hipster thing done right. They are so bad they are good. Whenever we give fashion advice, we recommend people to either go by the book or to break the rules, and, if they break the rules, they should go all the way. One of those rules is not to be too costumey or tautological, but if you are going to be those things, you should go for it! So, while a Christmas suit would not make it on a “great fashion” list on paper, it definitely makes it in practice.
Obviously, these suits should not be worn in a classic business environment or in a very conservative environment. They would, however go at a fun gala or Christmas event. Or, even better, at a Christmas in July party.

We’re not sure whether these garments fall under the “suits” category, they most likely don’t, but they are such a funny concept that we can’t not mention them. Suitjamas are a recent invention which mixes suits with pajamas.
They are a very fun idea, having a pajama that looks like a suit, but at the same time they are a bit cringeworthy. They are fun for business people, for slumber parties, for who knows what other similar context. Also, if you leave out the shirt and tie part, they basically look like a regular pajama.
Suitjamas also make for good gag gifts in our opinion, they are fun, but at the same time useful and practical.
As a side thought, just think about how crazy it would be to mix a superhero suit with a suitjama! But wouldn’t that then be just a superhero pajama?
It’s really great that the classic suit is taken in so many different directions. Despite the fact that some variations can be rough around the edges, seeing something new is always a door that opens to new possibilities. And, if you stay and think about it, that’s what fashion is all about.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. We want to hear from you! What do you make of these fun suits? Would you wear such a suit? What other types of funny suits do you know? For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!